The Religions of Oracus and Hitchcock Tradition / Ritual in Grymm | World Anvil
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The Religions of Oracus and Hitchcock

The One The official religion of the Oracun State is that of the One, a relatively new religion imported from the City States. Also called the Church of the Skewered God, and the Church of the Bloody Vessel, the acolytes of the One have been spreading the Word through words and swords for a hundred years, but have only started making real headway across the world, especially in the north, in the past decade or so. Rumor has it that the Stone Queen is still a follower of traditional Orcus, the Decapitated Lady, but at least in public the Church of the One is given lip service, especially since the Templars of the One have a powerful presence (and influence) in Cair di Demonaica from their fortress at Old Tam. Followers of the One often also revere one of the many Martyred Saints, fallen in battle against the infidel in the Far South, or wherever. These names are legion (at least one for every day of the year) and, in fact, it is said that they will awaken on the Day of Judgement and become Legion, moving against all the enemies of the Church and sending the wicked to Dark.   Orcus, the Decapitated Lady An ancient religion, and the one that the country was originally named after. In the beginning, Orcus was a goddess of martyrdom and sacrifice. Of late, certain sects have embraced other aspects of the Decapitated Lady, principally the ones encouraging self-flagellation, demon-worship, and sought-vengeance. Followers of Orcus may choose either of these aspects to worship, of course … or even both.   The Dark The Dark actually encompases any number of arch-devils, pagan gods, and assorted anthropomorphized vices. It is a pantheon of evil primarily defined by the Church of the One. Most people agree that the arch-devils and the vices are bad, but there are also plenty of Oracuns who still worship the Old Gods and are defined as heretical by the Inquisitors of the Church. Orcus is actually among these, though the Church isn’t able to burn followers of Orcus at the stake. Yet. Oh, and witches, warlocks, hedge magicians, and other wielders of magic who aren’t Saints of the Holy Church are also considered Agents of the Dark. Opinions vary.   --Panus: one of the "pagan" Old Gods of the Forest. According to the Church, Panus is a terrible, goat-legged, man-torsoed, elk-headed being who stands 18 feet tall and stalks the forest with a vengeance, ever on the hunt for meat and dark pleasures. According to his followers, Panus is a god of joyful pursuits and alluring activities passed in sunlit grottoes, preferably without clothing involved.
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