Orcs of the Corusk Mountains Ethnicity in Greyhawk North | World Anvil

Orcs of the Corusk Mountains

Orcs of the Korusk Mountain are a tribe that has adapted well to the harsh conditions of the northern mountains.  These wind swept and frozen peaks are pockmarked with caves, and riddled with tunnels both natural and dug out by these orcs.  The  long time in the sun starved lands has lead to these orcs skins lightening to a light grey.  This has lead to them being called snow orcs at times.
  They have become a power in the region, with their great King Oruc who also became Kingdom of Schnai.  His son, Orvug Orucson still rules that Kingdom.
  The Orcs however are now ruled by his other son Orvil Orucson.


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