The Champion's Games Tradition / Ritual in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Champion's Games

The Champion's Games is a week-long gladatorial tournament in the Free City Arena.
Day Event Description
1 Opening Ceremonies A free dinner for participants, fireworks to follow. That night, gladiators move into the arena.
2 First Round Gladiators clash in six battles of free-for-all combat between groups of four teams
3 Champion's Festival Non-tournament mock battles, games, demonstrations of magic and martial prowess are held in the arena for the public's amusement.
4 Second Round Six winners of the first round are paired off into three team vs team battles
5 Third Round / Monster Fight Two of the three winners of the second round are pitted against each other, while the third faces off against an exotic monster
6 Final Round The two finalist teams compete, team vs. team, for the belt.
7 Closing Ceremonies Award ceremony & festival to commemorate the conclusion of the Games.


Seats Price
High seats 1 sp/day
Lower seats 1 gp/day
Box seats 50 gp/day, limited availability


Day 1 winners receive a bronze trophy and 2,000 gold.   Day 3 winners gets a silver trophy and 5,000 gold.   Day 4 winners get a gold trophy and 10,000 gold.   The ultimate prize is the Champion's Belt and 20,000 gold.  


  • Teams consist of eight or fewer gladiators, counting summons and animal companions but not familiars.
  • Teams must be led by a licensed Manager
  • Teams are confined to the Arena grounds for the tournament's duration, though their Manager may visit every second day.
  • All battles are potentially lethal, but a gladiator always has the option of surrender. To surrender, a gladiator must drop their weapons, kneel, and hold both hands in the air. A gladiator who attacks a surrendering foe is immediately disqualified, and arrested for assault and/or murder. A gladiator who surrenders and then attacks is also immediately disqualified
  • Gladiators who can fly or levitate may do so to a maximum height of 40 ft. A gladiator who flies higher is disqualified. Burrowing into the Arena's floor is forbidden.
  • A match persists until one team is victorious by the death or surrender of all opposing teams.
  • Winning Gladiators have no right to spoils of the fallen. A defeated gladiator keeps their gear. In case of death, custody of gear is transferred to their team or manager.
  • Any tactic that endangers spectators is grounds for immediate disqualification and possible legal action by the Free City Arena
  • A disqualified gladiator must cease fighting at once and move to the edge of the field of battle immediately. Failure to comply results in the disqualification of the entire team. Once a gladiator is disqualified, they may no longer take part in any remaining battles.
  • Awards are given after each battle.
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