Session 65: Reunion Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Session 65: Reunion

General Summary

After finding the southern doors blocked, the party followed the sound of a cut-off scream to confront the heretical high priestess of Hextor.   They found her standing over an altar, a minion bleeding out below her as she raised the sundered staff of Duncan high, cackling that the PCs were too late. As the ancient artifact tastes air and blood again, she cried, the prophecy is fulfilled, and the Age of Worms draws closer. Even now Hextor's chosen son prepares to welcome the Overgod, but there is still time to renounce your foolish resistance and embrace the cult.   The party refused, of course, and swiftly shut down the priestess, hypnotizing her, binding her, questioning her, and then burning her fanatical little head off.   She told them much before tongue became a smoking blob on the floor; that Prince Zeech of Alhaster was one of the Triad, and that she suspected he had the honor of welcoming the Overgod into the world, that his part was the final prophecy and all the others had been fulfilled, that her people's purpose here was complete, and that the PCs were too late to do anything about it. She also spoke of Dragotha as the great leader and general of the cult, who would be a mighty servant of the Overgod, who is obviously superior to Kyuss, the dracolich's original liege.   After executing her, the party explored a bit more and found a tunnel out. Connall had been injured in blasting down the training room doors, so they hurried back to Ribermott. On the way, they examined their loot from the priestess' chamber more closely, and were delighted to find a Scroll of Sending. Trislee copied it easily into her spellbook, and while it tok Lins a bit longer, she was able to learn it, as well.   In the morning, they put their new asset to use, sending a message to Tenser:   "Perrinland near Clatsburg - vanquished Hextor's priestess, looking to Alhaster to stop Prince Zeech and rise of overgod, last part of prophecy, need assistance"   A moment later, the archmage responded:   "Not surprised regarding Zeech. Always was knave. Meet you in Clatsburg. Can use Teleport to Greyhawk City. Have news regarding Balakarde, involves Alhaster as well."   The trip to Clatsburg was uneventful, and they met Tenser at an inn of decent repute. The mage secured them a private room, and they exchanged all the intel they had each collected in the many days since they had seen each other last.   All signs, Tenser observed, seemed to point toward Alhaster. The archmage had not been idle in the party's absence, and had uncovered more information on their Kyuss Expert, Balakarde, and his own efforts twenty years ago in trying to unravel the weaknesses of the Ebon Triad.   After Kuluth-Mar, Balakarde had gone to consult with an elven sage named Lashonna, who had apparently weeded out an Ebon Triad Uprising. At least, this was how Balakarde interpreted an uprising of heretical hextorians in Alhaster several years ago, recorded in a book by Rev. Rhorsk of St. Cuthbert, whom he apparently also wanted to speak to. Lashonna and/or Rhorsk may have been the last people to see Balakarde alive, Tenser noted, and would be worth talking to if the party could reach them.   Alhaster, however, was no average city. Its crime rate was notoriously low, Tenser explained; not because it was so safe and well-protected, but because very little is actually illegal there. As Iuz's only port on the Nyr Dyv, it is a prodigous importer of slaves, drugs, and forbidden magics. Zeech himself has been in with the wrong crowd since he was young; many rumour that he murdered his own brother for control over the Shield Lands, and ceded to form his own principality when the populace wouldn't accept his rule. His capital of Alhaster is a wretched hive of villains. It surprised Tenser not at all that he might be mixed up with the Triad.   The bad news didn't stop there; Tenser had not been there since before Redhand ceded from the Shield Lands, and would not risk a teleport spell. However, he was more than willing to bring the party to Greyhawk city, from whence they could hire a ship. Crossing the border would be its own problem, but one they could address later.   They parted ways in the Grand Library of Greyhawk, with plans to shop around for helpful items, book a ship, and take their adventure to the high seas Nyr Dyv!

Rewards Granted

Level up: 16
Report Date
10 Jan 2023
Secondary Location