Session 35: Owlbears vs Pitch Blade Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Session 35: Owlbears vs Pitch Blade

General Summary

The party showered, ate, and passed a restful night back in their dorms.   In the morning, they ate, and contacted Ekaym Smallcask to tell him what they'd found out about his sister. Ekaym was alarmed at the state of the zombie, who had been infected with Worms by sharing a Bag of Holding with the Kyuss Spawn. He helped the party subdue her, though they had trouble getting the infested zombie to stay down.   Ekaym was upset over the state of his sister, but thanked the party for their efforts. He borrowed Nemara's bag of holding (which she dumped three days of decadent breakfast portions out of) to ferry her remains to a local temple, where he hoped a priest woudl be willing to restore her to life.   Meantime, the party's next fight was up! The Owlbears vs the mysterious Pitch Blade, a team no one had seen since opening night. The gladiators, three dwarven barbarians, hurled insults at the PCs, fighting furiously with their burning greatswords. One snapped Sigvurd's glaive in twain, another spat slurs at Nemara's face when she suggested surrender. They fought with fury and determination even as the party smote them with sword and spell.   After they all went down, Zeke kicked their weapons away and then healed them, not wanting to be responsible for murder. However as soon as they regained consciousness, they came at the paladin with their fists! Sigvurd headbutted one back into unconsciousness, and the guards restrained another, but the third landed two solid blows on the paladin before a medic got him subdued.   The crowd loved it, of course. Vin launched a celebratory fireball into the air and the fans chanted their names as they accepted their award.   The next day would be the semifinals, with the Owlbears, the Night Owls, and Auric's Warband. But before that, the party had business with Loris Raknian...
Age of Worms I
Report Date
04 Jan 2022
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