Church of Dalt Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Church of Dalt

Dalt is the Suel deity of Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, and Keys. His holy symbol is a locked door with a skeleton key beneath it. Dalt is usually depicted as either a white-haired old man with piercing eyes or as a young red-haired thief.

Mythology & Lore

Dalt is the brother of Vatun, the Suel god of Winter and Cold. Due to his brother's imprisonment, Dalt is not on good terms with Telchur. He is on good terms with Mordenkainen, to whom Dalt sometimes lends his favored relic, The Silver Key of Portals.

Tenets of Faith

Dalt is the god of finding innovative solutions to problems and obstacles, teaching his followers to simultaneously be better mice even as they fabricate better mousetraps.


Dalt's name is used to bless fortresses, jails, and locked boxes, as well as anything that is meant to be secure from thieves, such as dwellings.


Dalt's clerics are a mix of those who seek to keep things locked and those who seek to open those locks. In this religion, any obstacle may be represented as a lock. Clerics of Dalt attempt to discern which things are difficult, and which are simply not meant to be known. Balance is key, anc clerics of Dalt value both respect for the unknowable and the pursuit of knowledge.   Dalt's clerics deal in literal locks, as well. They act as instructors for locksmiths, masons, carpenters, and thieves, though they will only teach those who have the greater good in mind. They often wander the Flanaess, seeking out worthy tests for their skills.
Religious, Other