Spacewarp Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


According to one view of the universe, what we perceive as gravity is actually a localized warping of the fabric of space-time. The spacewarp spell creates a temporary but very intense warping in a limited area.   When the priest casts this spell, he selects a specific point to be the center of effect. This point may be anywhere within 50 yards of the caster, including in midair.   When the spell is completed, this center of effect gains a gravity field equal to the force felt at the surface of the earth. In other words, gravity is centered at this point; everything within 50 feet of this center that is not attached to something immovable will fall toward the selected point.   This localized gravity affects only loose objects and creatures capable of movement (i.e., not trees, whose roots are buried in the ground). It does not affect the ground itself — soil, plants, desert sand, lake water, etc. are immune to the effect.   An object falling toward the center of gravity gains speed exactly as it would if it were falling toward the ground. When the object reaches the center, it instantly ceases its movement. If objects are already at the center, newly arriving objects will slam into them, causing normal falling damage (1d6 per 10 feet) to the newly arriving objects. Objects previously at the center must save vs. paralyzation or suffer half that amount of damage.   Consider the following example. An orc is 10 feet away from the center of effect when the spell is cast. He falls 10 feet to the center and stops. His companion, a bandit, is 30 feet from the center. It takes him longer to fall to the center, so the orc is already there when he arrives, and the two characters collide forcefully. The bandit suffers 3d6 hit points of damage — the falling damage associated with a 30-foot fall. The orc must save vs. paralyzation or suffer half that amount. Other things are caught in the effect as well. The bandit's horse was 50 feet away from the center of effect, so it arrives at the center after the orc and the bandit. It falls 50 feet, suffering 5d6 points of damage, and potentially inflicting half that amount on both the orc and the bandit.   The center of effect can be anywhere within 50 yards of the priest. Possibly one of the most destructive uses of this spell is to cast it directly on an enemy creature. Everyone and everything within 50 feet of that creature falls toward him and strikes him, inflicting damage.   When the spell terminates, gravity returns to normal. If the spell has lifted any characters or objects off the ground, they immediately fall back to the ground, suffering the appropriate amount of falling damage.   The material components are both of which are consumed in the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Numbers
Level: 7
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot-diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a lodestone and a sphere of obsidian


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