Reflect Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


By means of a mystic reference to the Blinding Light, while clutching his holy symbol and a string of crystal prayer beads, the priest causes his body to reflect luminance. A light source at least as bright as a single candle must be present.

Creatures using infravision or ultravision will be struck blind for 1 round if they are looking at the priest (no save allowed other creatures are allowed a saving throw versus spell to negate this same effect if within 30 yards (if further away, with eyes closed, etc., they are not subject to the spell effect).

If light conditions are equivalent to full sunlight, the blindness duration is doubled and saving throws against the spell are made with a - 2 penalty. Finally, if the reflecting priest is struck by a Lightning Bolt or a Chain Lightning spell (or equivalent), he suffers only half damage from the spell.

[From the Ashes]


Sphere: Protection, Sun
Level: 5
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol of Pholtus and a string of crystal prayer beads


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