Maze Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Intelligence of Mazed CreatureTime Trapped in Maze
under 32d4 turns
3 to 51d4 turns
6 to 85d4 rounds
9 to 114d4 rounds
12 to 143d4 rounds
15 to 172d4 rounds
18 and up1d4 rounds

An extradimensional space is brought into being upon utterance of a maze spell. The subject vanishes into the shifting labyrinth of force planes for a period of time that is totally dependent upon its Intelligence.

Note that Teleport and Dimension Door spells will not help a character escape a maze spell, although a Plane Shifting spell will.

Minotaurs are not affected by this spell.

[Player's Handbook]
School: Conjuration/Summoning
Level: 8
Rarity: Common
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: None


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