Invulnerability to Normal Weapons Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Invulnerability to Normal Weapons

This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that cannot be penetrated by non-magical blunt weapons, edged weapons, or missile weapons. The caster can use these weapons from inside the sphere to attack opponents normally. Spells can also be cast through the sphere. The sphere can be negated by dispel magic.
[Complete Wizard's Handbook]
School: Abjuration
Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 5-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a piece of a broken non-magical weapon and a scale from a dragon


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