Guarded Soul Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Guarded Soul

A more powerful version of Peace of Wee Jas, guarded soul renders the remains of the deceased immune to any spell, device, or creature that attempts to animate or communicate with the departed soul. In addition, it prevents the corpse and spirit from rising as any sort of undead except a lich or vampire. In the latter cases, the spirit has a 50% chance of remaining undisturbed, plus or minus 5% per level of the spell caster above or below 12th-level, and plus or minus 5% per level of the infecting vampire or wizard (if a lich) below or above 12th level. Example: a 14th level priest (2 levels above 12th, so +10%) casts guarded soul on a 18th level wizard (6 levels above 12th, so -30%) who had made preparations for lichdom. 50% + 10% - 30% = 30%. The spirit of wizard has only a 30% chance of remaining safely dead, as her soul struggles against the priest's spell to achieve undeath.   In addition to the above protections, the caster may secure an extra-planar guardian to the spirit, typically a fiend or celestial, though certain corpses are rumored to be protected by elementals of unusual power. The spell does not summon a guardian that is up to caster but by force, bribery, or bargaining, the caster and guardian-to-be must agree on a duration of time (typically not less than 99 years nor more than 999) and recompense, if any. The guardian remains primarily on the ethereal plane, alert to any force disturbing their charge, for the duration of their task. The guardian may leave the vicinity of the remains (roughly a thousand-foot radius) only if an outside force threatens their guardianship, in which case they may travel any distance to combat it. Guarded soul magically links the guardian and the remains, allowing the guardian instant awareness of any creature, spell, or force that disturbs their charge. If the spell is broken or the duration expires, the guardian is freed to depart, taking any treasure it has accumulated from grave-robbers (a.k.a. adventurers). If the guardian is defeated, it forfeits any treasure accumulated and returns to its home plane, the compact ended (although the spell still protects the remains from animation).   It is not possible to have two guarded soul spells (and guardians) on the same set of remains.   Wee Jas occasionally prevents the successful casting of this spell, particularly if the subject spirit is likely to rise as a lawful vengeful spirit (one with a purpose or goal beyond murder and mayhem). This is most true in the case of wronged spirits who wish to exact a final retribution upon their malefactors, or those driven to complete a final task or duty before they rest forever.   The material component must encircle the protected corpse at least three times, and is positioned against the subject's skin.
[Oerth Journal #7]

Wee Jas

Sphere: Necromancy
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: One hour
Area of Effect: One corpse
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a continuous chain of silver


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