Faerie Form Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Faerie Form

This spell is similar to the 9th-level wizard spell Shape Change, but it only allows the caster to assume the form of any type of faerie, brownie, or sprite (including atomies, brambles, brownies, dobies, faerie fiddlers, gorse, grigs, killmoulis, nixies, pixies, quicklings, sea sprites, sprites, squeakers, stwingers, and other similar sylvan creatures). The caster adopts the form of the chosen creature, gaining all of that form's abilities except for innate magical abilities, magic resistance, and those abilities dependent upon Intelligence.

The caster also adopts the vulnerabilities and weaknesses. For example, a priest who becomes a sprite will have a great deal of difficulty in opening a normal-sized door. Like the shape change spell, a priest who is killed while in another form does not revert to his or her original shape, which may disallow certain types of revivification.

The caster can change forms as many times as desired, within the duration of the spell. She or he can change into a sprite and fly away and then to a nixie to dive into a lake. The first form adopted has one-quarter of the hit points the casting priest had at the time of the casting of the faerie form spell (round up). Subsequent forms carry the current total hit points with them until the original form is resumed. Each alteration in form takes only one second, and no system shock survival roll is required.

[Demihuman Deities]

Erevan Ilesere

Sphere: Animal
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: locks of hair from three different species of sprite


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