Curse of Yondalla Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Curse of Yondalla

The curse of Yondalla is reserved for creatures who have greatly offended Yondalla — for example by completely destroying a halfling community or killing innocent and defenseless halflings, such as the aged or very young. A creature afflicted by curse of Yondalla is stunned and unable to act offensively if it fails a saving throw vs. spell. It then returns to infancy over the period of a tum, growing younger slowly at first and then rapidly, until it is once again an infant specimen of its species. No system shock survival roll is required. The infant has no memory of its previous life. Commonly, a halfling community or the priest then raises the infant to respect halflings and the ways of Yondalla. An infant of a species inherently unsafe for such folk to raise (say, a troll or a dragon), it is placed with a foster parent of a species able to properly raise it in a positive moral and ethical fashion.   An undead creature of less than divine status that fails its saving throw is destroyed by this spell, but a creature of extraplanar origin that fails its saving throw is merely cast back to its home plane and unable to return to the Prime Material Plane for 10d10 years. A creature with magic resistance has it reduced by a -25% penalty against the effects of a curse of Yondalla. A creature that successfully saves still suffers 3d8+3 points of damage or half its remaining hit points in damage, whichever is less.   The bestowed curse of Yondalla cannot be dispelled. It can be countered by a Remove Curse from the same priest of Yondalla who cast it or by any good priest whose level exceeds the original caster's level; it can also be negated by a full Wish. When the curse is removed, the creature returns to its normal age over the course of 1 turn (requiring no system shock survival roll), but it remembers any events that took place during its second youth in addition to those of its previous older life. Destroyed undead creatures can be restored or extraplanar creatures allowed to return before the end of the allotted time only by a full wish or divine intervention.   Priests of Yondalla do not cast this spell lightly. Yondalla's divine servitors or Yondalla herself are said to watch over its use and will prevent it from being successfully cast if they feel its is being misused.
[Demihuman Deities]


Sphere: Time
(Alteration, Abjuration)
Level: 7
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol


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