Create Crypt Thing Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Create Crypt Thing

This spell enables the caster to cause a single dead body to animate and assume the status of a crypt thing. This spell can be cast only in the tomb or grave area the crypt thing is to protect; the spell requires that the caster touch the skull of the subject body. Once animated, the crypt thing remains until destroyed. Only one Crypt Thing may guard a given tomb.

A successful dispel magic spell returns the crypt thing to its original unanimated state. Attempts to restore the crypt thing before this is done fail for any magic short of a Wish.

Reverse: Destroy Crypt Thing

The reverse of this spell, Destroy Crypt Thing, utterly annihilates any one such being as soon as it is touched by the caster. target is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to avoid destruction.

[Monstrous Compendium 5: Greyhawk]

Wizard Spell

School: Necromancy
Level: 7
Rarity: Very Rare


Range: Touch
Components: V. S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 corpse
Saving Throw: None

Priest Spell

Sphere: Necromancy
Level: 7


Range: Touch
Components: V. S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 corpse
Saving Throw: None


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