Conjure Aurumvorax Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Conjure Aurumvorax

The conjure aurumvorax spell enables the priest to magically create an aurumvorax to attack his or her opponents. The conjured creature remains for 2 rounds for each level of the conjuring priest, or until slain. It understands and obeys the caster's verbal commands. A conjured golden gorger will unfailingly attack the priest's opponents, but it will resist being used for any purpose other than combat and consuming gold. If a conjured aurumvorax is directed to act otherwise, it becomes difficult to control and may refuse any action or attack the caster, depending on the situation. A conjured aurumvorax disappears when slain or when the spell expires.   Aurumvorax: AC 0; MV 9, Br 3; HD 12; THAC0 9; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4 (bite SA jaw lock and rake; SD half damage from blunt weapons, immune to normal fire, half damage from magical fire, immune to poison and gases; SZ S (3' long ML fearless (19 - 20 Int animal (1 AL N; XP 9,000.   Jaw Lock and Rake: When an auromvorax succesfully bites, it locks its jaws and hangs on, inflicting an addition 8 points of damage per round until either it or its enemy is dead. Only death causes it to let go. While hanging on with its jaws, it automatically rakes its victim with 2d4 paws each round after the first; each paw that hits inflicts 2d4 points of additional damage.

Garl Glittergold

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Level: 5
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol and a solid gold figurine of an aurumvorax worth at least 100 gp (consumed)


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