Conduit Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Using this spell, the caster can temporarily enchant five missiles with another spell of a level no higher than 4th. This spell combines the best aspects of fighters and mages, for they can work in harmony to maximize both the effects of the spell and the damage of the missile.

The conduit spell effectively extends the range of the second spell, casting that spell out to its full range from the target point when the missile hits the target. Unless otherwise specified when the spell is cast, the effects of the spell radiate forward from the point the arrowhead strikes.

Missiles affected by this spell must begin to be fired within one turn after the last is enchanted, and they will not hold the spells for longer than an hour. Since the missiles are not specially prepared to hold enchantments for longer, the spells tend to bleed off with the passage of time.

The spells cast on the missiles must be separate ones that the caster has memorized that day. For example, if a sorceress has memorized conduit and a single fireball, she can place a fireball only on one of her arrows, not on all five.

The loaded spells are triggered when the head of the missile strikes something, whether that be the target, the ground, a tree, a rock, or whatever. This is good for radius attacks, such as a Fireball, although it does no good for spells such as Burning Hands or Shocking Grasp.

Targets are allowed normal saves against these spells, as if the wizard were right there casting the spell. However, if the missile carries the enspelled arrow beyond the spell's normal range, the wizard has no more control over the spell.

For example, Web and Dimension Door spells require the caster to manipulate the spell, and the caster cannot do so unless the missile strikes within the caster's range with the spell. Unless the mage carefully calculates the desired effect, these spells usually won't work (the range for a 9th-level caster to cast a web spell is 45 yards; if shot to a range of 60 yards, the caster can't control where the web should attach itself, so the spell effect collapses). If a caster wishes to do so, fine, but this is assuming a lot of faith in the ability of whoever fires the bow, for the archer must make a successful attack roll against AC 6 (including modifiers for range) to hit the area.

The casting time does not include the casting time of the loaded spells.

[Complete Book of Elves]
School: Enchantment, Invocation
Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Restrictions: Elves only
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 5 missiles
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a copper wire twisted into the shape of an arrow


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