Chatterbark Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


A variation of the 4th-level priest spell, Speak With Plants, this spell enables a ranger to ask a simple question to a tree and receive a spoken response. The tree can be any species, so long as its trunk is at least 1 foot in diameter. Before casting the spell, the ranger must spend at least an hour carving a humanoid face in the trunk; if the ranger has a proficiency in wood carving (a variation of Artistic Ability), he can carve a suitable face in one turn.

After carving the face, the ranger spends 1 turn casting the spell, at which time the face becomes animated, twitching and grimacing as if just awakening from a long sleep. The tree face then looks at the caster expectantly, waiting for a question. The caster may ask the tree any single question that can be answered in a single word or short phrase. Typical questions might include: "Has a dragon passed this way within the last few days?" "Has it rained here recently?" "Are there any fruit trees nearby?" The tree answers the question honestly. If the question is beyond the scope of its knowledge, the tree says, "I don't know." After answering, the face disappears.

The DM should keep in mind that a typical tree doesn't know very much, as it has little experience, never travels, and rarely interacts with other living things in meaningful ways. As a rule of thumb, a tree's knowledge is limited to things it has observed (passersby, weather conditions) and general information about the immediate area (animal populations, location of landmarks). A tree can't give dependable advice or make judgements. If the DM is in doubt about what a particular tree knows, the tree answers, "I don't know."

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]
Sphere: Plant
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One tree
Saving Throw: None


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