Calm Winds Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Calm Winds

This spell creates an area in which the air remains perfectly calm. Calm winds negates the effects of whirlwinds and spells such as Dust Devil and Gust of Wind within the protected area, although such spells are not ended. Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air and wind-based creatures such as vortices and windwalkers shun and seek to leave the area at the earliest opportunity. This calmed area is mobile with the caster and lasts as long as the caster concentrates undisturbed or until the spell duration expires. The caster can move at up to half his or her movement rate and maintain concentration, but no other strenuous actions are allowed.

[Faiths & Avatars]

Aerdrie Faenya

Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Level: 4
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 20-foot-radius globe
Saving Throw: Special
Materials Components: the priest’s holy symbol


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