Blackhand Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil


This spell negates the effect of protection from evil spells, including the 10-foot-radius version, and can suppress the aura of protection paladins exert. When casting the spell, the priest's hands become enveloped in a black aura. Each round thereafter, while the priest maintains concentration, he can point his hands at one target creature within the range. If that creature is in any way protected by protection from evil, the effect is canceled.   A paladin making a successful saving throw vs. spell has his personal protection aura canceled for 1 round per 2 levels of the priest casting blackhand (round fractions down). If the paladin fails this saving throw, his aura is canceled for 2 rounds per level of the priest. These durations also apply to a protection from evil effect generated by a magical item of any sort. If a creature within the area of a protection from evil 10' radius spell is affected by a blackhand spell, but has not actually cast the protection spell, other creatures within the radius of protection are unaffected.
[Iuz the Evil]


Sphere: Combat
Level: 3
Range: 60 yds.
Components: S, M
Duration: Concentration + Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature/round
Saving Throw: None or 1/2
Material Components: the priest's unholy symbol


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