Session 39: Ghost Shark Report Report in Greyacre | World Anvil
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Session 39: Ghost Shark Report

General Summary

Our heroes start the session fighting a ghost shark and spirit swarm. They make decent work of them and defeat the ghostly entities. They search the remaining rooms on this floor and find two cells. One has a gold coin that's been fashioned into a sharp shiv, and one has some large-boned, skeletal remains and a wooden leg with gold trimming.   In another room with a thick layer of dust, they find two more cards: a 2 of stars and 9 of moons. They rest in this room and each examine a few more items:
  • The golden leg they discovered is filled with 100ep
  • The tapestry has people praying to the mountain, with a large purple eye above it in the sun and something written in undercommon
  • The new card discovered have no symbolic baring
  • The shiv coin is nothing special
From the short rest, they head to the room with the music box that Kevan found. Seems like there's nothing else to it, so they leave it. They retrieve the log book once more and have a long old talk about the morals of having a skeleton friend and agree that he wont enter any towns or cities. In the log book Jovial finds the previous captain's name was Grayson "The Fox" Duke and there was lots of trade logs.   Finally, at the upperdeck again, Frank tries taking control of the helm, but it hurts badly. Seems like this is not made for the living. Kevan fetches Morris, who places his hands on the wheel, and 30 ghostly entities climb up the side of the ship and take control as the crew. Ah mah gerd.   In the room behind the helm is the captain quarters. In there is a large black feathered hat on a rapier. Kevan grabs the hat and instantly falls unconscious and experiences some memories that aren't his of a large purple eye with big teeth and a sea of zombies with a large pillar in the middle fo this cavern. He returns to consciousness and tells of his dream. Also in the room is a bathroom with a rotten bug-ridden bath and toilet bucket, as well as a closet with a moth eaten black jacket. Kevan gives both to Morris, the pirate captain and king of the ghosts. He also finds a scroll in the captains quarters which is written in undercommon.   We finish the session with Morris being given a command to sail the ship to Cliffbeach.

Rewards Granted

  • The golden leg they discovered is filled with 100ep
  • 14pp were found under a floorboard
  • A pirate's hat was cursed and the first person to touch it witnessed the memories of the owner of the hat. It was also on a forked rapier.
  • A note written by the previous pirate captain, which is in undercommon
  • The greatest reward of all: a ghost ship!

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The undead aboard this ship has been defeated!
  • Information was revealed and discovered through false memories of a large purple eye with human teeth. There are also indications to this thing aboard the ship on the tapestry.
  • The captain of the ship was Grayson "The Fox" Duke

Character(s) interacted with

  • Kevan witnessed some memories of someone else
Guardians of the Last Age
Joe Smith
Frank Ittarius
Report Date
31 Oct 2020

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