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Gresha Elysium, Ora, Trinnian Isles, & More

23rd of Lazarus, 36 A.C. (1336)

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36 Years have passed, since the mainland continent of the world was ripped in half, from the cataclysmic event known as “The Great Sunder”. Nightmarish creatures emerged from the now gaping chasm waging war on the mortal realm. The alliance was able to push the hellish horde back and win the war, but not without suffering great losses. Since the hordes' invasion of the mainland, they have rarely been seen, creating an uneasy era of false peace. . .

Now split in two, the continent of Elysium makes up northern half of the mainland, led under human rule by King Reginald Freewind of the Freewind Royal Family.

To the south now lies the continent of Ora, led under Elven rule by Queen Alynn Nightfell of the Nightfell Royal Family. After the loss of her beloved husband to the events of The Great Sunder, she swiftly took action fortifying Ora's border defenses. She doubles down on her people’s sacred duty, to protect the Emerald Dream, & Protect the World of Gresha.

In the center of it lies the volcanic mountain of Blackrock; Deep inside the heart of this mountain resides the dwarven capital city of Ironforge ruled by Emperor Merum Bronzebeard. The dwarves lead the expedition of The Great Sunder, while the archmages of Dalaran search for answers. Will the alliance of the mortal realm be ready for what they find?..


Elysium Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Welcome To The Darkmoon Faire

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The Story of Tayln Grimlock

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