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Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt

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A test for family tree, bloodlines, relationships and anything else I can think of.   I decided to use the most complex tree that as the trope Tangled Family Tree puts it.   The Greek Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt (founded by Ptolemy, who was one of Alexander the Great's Generals) is so knotted and twisted that it almost defies description. This website makes a brave effort. Ptolemy VIII Tryphon and his wife (and double-niece) Cleopatra III produced five children: Cleopatra IV, Ptolemy IX, Tryphaena, Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy X Alexander I. Ptolemy IX secretly married his sister Cleopatra IV, but their mother forced them to divorce (they'd already produced two sons, Ptolemy XII Auletes and Ptolemy of Cyprus). Cleopatra IV then married their cousin Antiochos IX of Syria and had another son with him, Antiochos X. She was then murdered on the orders of her sister Tryphaena (who was in turn executed by Antiochos IX). Her brother/ex-husband Ptolemy IX meanwhile married his other sister, Cleopatra Selene, by whom he had a daughter, Berenike III. He was expelled by Egypt by their brother, Ptolemy X Alexander I, who then married Cleopatra Selene himself (they had a son named Ptolemy XI Alexander II). After they divorced, Cleopatra Selene married three successive kings of Syria, becoming history's only known quintuple queen: Antiochos VIII (widower of her sister Tryphaena), Antiochos IX (widower of her other sister, Cleopatra IV) and finally Antiochos X, her own nephew, by whom she had two sons. Ptolemy X Alexander I married his niece/stepdaughter, Berenike III, and had a daughter with her, Cleopatra V. After his death, Berenike married her half-brother/cousin/stepson, Ptolemy XI Alexander II, who had her murdered and was subsequently murdered himself. Ptolemy XII Auletes, the son of Ptolemy IX and Cleopatra IV, became king and married his niece, Cleopatra V, by whom he was father of the famous Cleopatra VII (she of Caesar and Mark Antony fame). This tangled web is not at all helped by the fact that all the principal players shared only about four names and have to be distinguished by Roman numeral.

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