Grover Underwood Character in Greater Valeria | World Anvil

Grover Underwood

Grover Underwood

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the son of the wealthy merchant in the Fae lands Grover Underwood had a very spoiled and rich upbringings his days were spent fooling around skipping his educational classes and roaming the streets of Kazech in Fleur Willow growing up his family mainly his father slowly gave up on raising him as the heir at age of 18 he was cast out of his house and sent to in his father's words "Grow Up". Grover wasn't the best at studying but he had a knack for getting by and learned the way of music and theive- i mean slight of hand never the one to start fights per say but some cough illegal jobs may have aggravated others but it also earned some old friends although a bit of a bad influence Grover saw the good in him urrr somewhere in there going off on their own ways he heads to Elven keep to earn his way into his farther's inheritanc- i mean heart.