Greenlandian Slavery act Document in Greater Valeria | World Anvil

Greenlandian Slavery act


To define who can be slaves and who can't has well has outlining punishment for those who don't respect this act of law.

Document Structure


  1. He can be enslave who is not a citizen of the empire.
  2. He shall be enslaved at birth he who is born to an enslaved parent.
  3. Under no circumstance is a citizen to be enslaved.
  4. He who shall enslave a citizen should in turn be himself enslaved regardless of citizenship status.
  5. Slaves may never seek citizenships or any other benefit it's master has.
  6. Enslaved humanoid may be serving in the military has member of the infantry to avoid citizen casulties.

Publication Status

Publicly available in all languages spoken in the empire.
Text, Legislative
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Characters)