Crow Character in Greater Valeria | World Anvil


played by Kaironbomb

Rose Regevo (a.k.a. Crow)

Bloodline of Miniroth

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on the 7th of Lugh, 1630 to MIsha and Joseph Regevo. Taking more after her mother with aspects of her father Rose grew up in a modest household located on the north northeast side of the Ryn Lake in the Ecuryn Kingdom. At the young age of 6 years old Rose meets an obsidian dragon wyrmling when she went to the lake to play alone one day. Initially scared of the dragon and it being wary of her presence she keeps her distance watching it. After several weeks of seeing it there, she approaches it slowly trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. As she got closer to the dragon it slowly unfurled its wings making itself look more threatening as she stopped and sat immediately after it did this. As she is just looking at the dragon it starts to look at her confused and slowly puts its wings away and approaches her.

Rose, not trying to scare the dragon knowing that it would be able to kill her easily, continues to sit there looking at the approaching obsidian dragon wyrmling. Noticing its beautiful gray semi-translucent scales as the dragon slowly inched its head towards her face. It then sniffs her a few times and then proceeds to nudge her in the chest to see if she would retaliate. Rose falls just looking at the dragon as it seems to disregard her as a threat and turns around walking back towards the lake. After it walks away Rose will slowly get up and back into a sitting position and continue to look at the dragon. Feeling her stare it looks back at her and swings its head in a circle as if it wants her to come closer. Noticing the motion she slowly starts to move towards it by the lake making sure not to startle it, shortly after she reaches the dragon's side it wraps its tail loosely around her. As it opens its mouth and uses its fire breath weapon towards the center of the lake then looks at Rose to see her reaction of pure excitement and amazement.

After being satisfied by her reaction it removes its tail from around her and flies off towards a nearby cave as Rose goes back to her house. These instances start to become a daily thing with the dragon showing her more and more of what it's capable of with each passing day. Eventually passing through 4 years as it teaches her; the draconic language, how to see through magical darkness around her, and a bit of psionic control.

The day before Rose's 10th birthday, she is with the dragon as usual which has grown quite a bit from when she first encountered it. As per usual she converses with it in draconic as to keep up the practice put in over the last few years. Mentioning to the dragon that tomorrow is her 10th birthday it bends its head down revealing a mostly broken shortsword held in its mouth. Rose awkwardly accepts the blade and expresses her gratitude to the dragon for the gift then asks if she can give the dragon a name as an early special request for her birthday. After staying silent for a while the dragon agrees, Rose then names it Tama and proceeds to hug the dragon and say that she's happy that she learned so much from it. Later that night as she is sneaking back into her house with the broken shortsword behind her she's caught by her parents who were worried about her staying out so late. As they're checking her, Joseph notices the broken sword behind her back and asks where she got it. Answering honestly she tells them of the dragon that's been living in a cave by the lake for the last 4 years. Horrified they rushed her off to bed and once they believed she was asleep told everyone else in the village about it. The men started grabbing their weapons while the few spellcasters among the women prepared themselves for the fight ahead of them.

Within 30 minutes they were all ready to fight the dragon and headed up to the lake. Rose, noticing the various lights coming from outside, looks out and sees them moving towards the lake. Fearing that the dragon was in trouble she rushed out and to the lake. By the time she got there after various trips and falls she came upon the scene of the dragon surrounded, its wings full of various holes and slashes with multiple people dead on the ground nearby. It looked like a warzone and the dragon was at the center of it all.

Rose, wanting to end the fighting, yells out in common and draconic trying to get the dragon and villagers to stop. As she runs towards the dragon some of the villagers notice that she is speaking in a different language and try to stop her from getting close to it. Dodging various people trying to stop her she eventually reaches the forefront of the fight trying to find a gap through the encirclement while still yelling for them to stop fighting.

Hearing their daughter's voice Misha and Joseph would both look in her direction and scream her name. Rose would notice her father as part of the encirclement around the dragon and his initial reaction to run towards her opening a hole to the dragon rushing towards it without a moment's hesitation. After maneuvering past her father she gets through the gap he made and reaches the dragon yelling for Tama to stop as all the villages stop their attacks as well. Tama heard Rose would look at her weakly and slowly put down his claws and head to rest it in her lap. As she starts to pet its head and console it the men in the encirclement notice the dragons lowered guard and some rush forward. Noticing the sudden attack too late Tama is stabbed by 23 swords. The attacker closest to Rose being made by her father as he pulls her away from Tama cutting her right arm on his scales. Just before she was completely taken away from him Tama implants a dragonmark in her arm but was unable to activate it before she was gone.

While being pulled away by her father Rose is kicking and screaming at everyone for killing Tama when he did nothing wrong to any of them for the entire time that he was living in the cave. While screaming she mentions a promise that he made to her 3 years prior that he would never bring harm to the villagers as long as they left him alone swearing on his pride as a dragon to never break it. After being held by her father and mother for a while she completely breaks down into a crying mess swearing to herself right then to avenge Tama.

The next morning, Rose didn't bother to celebrate her birthday, instead studying her mothers old tomes for hours, eventually falling asleep reading them for the entire day only stopping to eat and sleep in which she stopped almost all interaction with her parents. She kept this same routine up for the next 8 years and on the night before her 18th birthday she found an old necklace her mother had and after using identify on it found out it was a necklace of fireballs with 9 beads on it. This one discovery brought her the most joy that she's felt in the last 8 years. After spending some time gathering her mothers tomes and various necessities she puts her plan into action sooner than she ever thought she would be able to.

She started to set fire to all the houses in the village. Burning everyone and everything inside them to a crisp. Given that she was acting at night most houses were as still as a mouse some unfortunately were not so lucky to pass in their sleep. As wails of agony and a smell of burning flesh filled the air, more and more people awoke to the village being burned to the ground. Rose was meticulous with setting the fires making sure to cut off all exit out of the village but the main road towards the salt river. As the sun started to rise over the horizon the flames started to settle in the village leaving just Rose and her parents alive from the initial population of 430.

As her parents walked out to the remnants of the village asking Rose what happened she turned around with an expressionless look on her face bluntly saying she burned it down with the villagers indoors and some trying to escape just to die still. They begin to slowly back away from her saying that the villagers have done nothing to deserve this fate as Rose reminds them of the dragon from 8 years ago saying she did it to avenge him pulling out the necklace of fireballs and ripping all 9 beads off. Saying goodbye mother and father as she throws all 9 beads at them watching them slowly burn along with the house. Once the fire dies out Rose grabs a cloak from the items she packed then grabs the rest of the bags and she sets out on her own adventure burning the town sign to ensure that no one can find out that she was once a resident of it.

Date of Birth
7th of Lugh 1630
Year of Birth
1630 CE 18 Years old