Chung Ethnicity in Greater Valeria | World Anvil


The Chung people are some of the first inhabitant of part of what is now the colony of Chungia. Their ancestral lands being where the colony capital is the colony got named after those people which now number fewer than 1000 individuals.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common

Average technological level

Tribal level of technology

Common Dress code

Male and Female alike must have cover up their reproductive organ, however Female rarely if ever cover their breasts.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a Chung child is born the mother must eat the after birth just has other animals do.

Coming of Age Rites

when a Chung boy is ready to pass to adulthood he must seek out a large male beast that roam near the traditional land and kill it, after which he shall bring the reproductive organ of said animal and eat it.
Encompassed species
Related Locations