Kelma The Scarred, Leader of the Broken Wheel Gang Character in Graymarch | World Anvil

Kelma The Scarred, Leader of the Broken Wheel Gang

A former slave herself, Kelma has seen the worse the Merchant's Conclave has to offer. Sold into slavery at a young age, Kelma was practically raise a slave and never seen as more than a piece of property. She was bought and sold over the years, but eventually she was sold to a particularly cruel master that enjoyed torturing and beating his slaves. Kelma endured this treatment for years, leaving her body to collect many scars and a hatred to grow within her. Eventually she was freed by the Broken Wheel Gang and she soon after managed to rise to it's leadership. She did this by playing to the more violent groups of the gang and talking of how simply freeing slaves wasn't good enough as long as the Conclave would take more.   Under her leadership the gang not only has grown, but has began raiding and striking out against the Conclave where ever and when ever they can.
Chaotic Good
Cold Hazel Eyes
Shaved Head
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Heavily Scarred Dark Green Skin
5'7 Ft.
140 Lb
Aligned Organization


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