Fairy Fodder Material in Græwal | World Anvil

Fairy Fodder

Harvested from the Fairy Fodder plant, these large-sized petals have been used for clothing since aeons, and there's a good reason for it.


Physical & Chemical Properties

One reason why fairy fodder is such a popular material for clothing is its affordability, but that's not all. These petals have the unique ability to store warmth during warmer months which gets emitted during colder months.

Geology & Geography

Fairy fodder can be found almost anywhere on the planet which surely has something to do with the fact that it spreads incredibly fast once it's planted somewhere. This availability helps keep the prices down, making it the most affordable material for clothing in the world.
There are, however, certain subtypes of fairy fodder plants that managed to survive better in different regions. For example, due to Nex' policy to dissect and observe everything of a lighter color, you will find fairy fodder in a much darker shade than usual there. Furthermore, since Martensia has no use for light cloth, fairy fodder is considered to be the same as weed there and usually gets ripped out and burned if it grows too close to civilisation.

History & Usage


It's unknown when exactly fairy fodder was first used or discovered. According to legends, fairy fodder was actually the first cloth the gods wore when creating the planet. Back then, they didn't know about fabric processing and were content with wearing only the petals, as kitter fairies would do today. The gods themselves have never openly denied or admitted to these legends and whenever a curious brightear would contact their god regarding this topic they would usually be met with vague answers explaining the unimportance of having such a question answered. In conclusion, only the gods know whether there is any truth to these stories.

Everyday use

In its raw state, it rarely gets used. The petals are usually too big and to be used for decorating, especially since its silky properties prevent it from being easily attacheable. Thus, it usually gets mixed together with other materials and is used as fairfod which is used for common clothing.

Cultural Significance and Usage

While it's just one of many choices for clothing materials to most cultures, fairy fodder is especially important to kitter fairies. After a kitter fairy goes through its rite of liberation, they celebrate by throwing away the clothes given by their master and refuse to wear anything other than raw fairy fodder wrapped around their bodies.

Manufacturing & Products

Fairy fodder is mainly used to create fairfod, a silky clothing material. The manufacturing is rather easy. You take a bunch of fairy fodder and the thread of a spider at a ratio of 1 : 2 respectively, throw it into a pot and heat it up, but don't let it boil. While it's still warm, it gets spread out on a large wooden board. All that's left now is to level it with even strokes and once it cools down, you have a finished roll of fairfod fabric, ready for clothing production.

very cheap
very common
Unlike other flower petals, fairy fodder has barely any scent at all.
pastel colors (purple, blue, pink, yellow)


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