Ecumenical Pantheonism Organization in Granthea | World Anvil
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Ecumenical Pantheonism

Mythology & Lore

Lawful Indifferent Chaotic
Good Archios-Light Channa-Life Nienne-Nature
Radix - Arcane
Joron - Knowledge
St. Kathrenne - Grave
Galney - Forge

Evil Volis - War Mordo - Death Taron - Trickery
- Indicates a God who had priests or druids that were at least partially purged by the Empire. - Indicates a God whose worship is banned.  


Archios is the God of Light, Bringer of Dawn, Origin of Creation. Most mythos on Granthea holds forth that Archios was the source of all thought, matter, and energy, and that all things sprung forth from his initial thought. Archios radiates his love from beyond the planes and all things grow and live through it. Archios demands that rules serve the good of all, that the evil be convinced to change their ways, and that the unrepentant be destroyed or made to surrender.
Followers: Those who worship Archios above all value creation, magic, and decisive, inceptive action. They think in absolutes, and are relentless evangelists. After all, the darkness is just the absence of light.
Idol: His is the idol of light, creation, evangelism, and goodness bounded by justice.
Form: Archios' form is a disembodied eye radiating light, and he has appeared as a Man of each race, a swarm of Bees, and a massive Redwood Tree (which points the way to the source, up and out).  


Solon is the God of Law, Bringer of Justice, the Blind Leader of the Sighted. While magic is the realm of other Gods, the laws and inherent order in the universe were Solon's doing. His rulings are absolute and the codes he follow apply to all. Solon is the patron god of Verdon, and his ideals that the law precedes all beings and should govern all actions are at its core. Solon is the creation of Archios, indirectly by the order imposed on the universe by the interaction of light and dark, creation and nothingness.
Followers: Solon's followers are interested in justice for its own sake and the enforcement of rules for the good of all. They do not see any flexibility in the rules or believe that they should be changed lightly.
Idol: Solon's idol is justice, objectivity, and stoicism.
Form: Solon's form is a pair of hands, one open in a gesture of halting and one of beckoning. Solon has also taken the form of a Lion, a mound of Termites, and an Elderberry Tree (whose berries nourish the thoughtful and poison the greedy.  


Volis is the Goddess of War. Her cruel spear pierced the stars into the firmament, and sows competition and subjugation among mortals. Volis arose from the interactions of Light and Law, where there was a will to shine brighter than nature would allow or a blackness so deep it did not want to be pierced, she came into being and led the very edges of reality in a vast conflict that has never ended. Wherever rules exist, she exists to impose them by force. Wherever strife exists, she is at its root, eternally testing and stretching the limits of the law.
Followers: Volis' followers seek power through decisive action that serves the self first and society second. They believe that the world is a zero sum game and look to tear down everyone in their path or anyone who could challenge their position. They serve Volis by imposing their will upon others and establishing a status quo through armed conflict, which they view as the highest glory.
Idol:The idol of war, of force, and of righteous cruelty belongs to Volis.
Form:Volis takes the form of a Flaming Sword, and has also taken the form of an Elven woman, a pack of wolves, and a poisonous Sumac tree (whose beauty is a cruel warning).  


Where light came to be among matter, Life sprung up there. The will of the living to flourish and consume came to be in and of her nurturing gaze. She is everywhere the lowliest kelp or the mightiest Canopy Grazer sets out upon its journey of growth and reproduction. Channa is a great striving towards, some say this striving is Directionless, some say it is directed towards Archios. In primeval times she walked among creation and planted seeds, literal and metaphorical, of flourishing.
Followers: Followers of Channa value charity, humility, and abundance. They believe in Good for its own sake, turning the other cheek, and evangelizing by example. They realize their faith by caring for others in the community and their families.
Followers: Channa’s followers are those who lust for the experience of living for its own sake and view treating others with kindness and respect as an existential necessity. She is prayed to by aspiring and expecting parents, farmers, and romantics.
Idol: Channa's is the idol of the harvest, the hearth, fertility, and of goodness unbounded.
Form: Channa takes the form of a womb nourishing a child that is the world, she has also taken the form of a Woman of each race, a Boar, and a Dandelion (whose fecundity and tenacity are its form and its fate).  


Rebel daughter of Channa, Nienne is the conflict and riot and violence of all living things. Where there is competition, the good supercedes the ill and Nienne is invariably there. Nienne's grace does not radiate outward but inward towards a perfection of each individual in the war of all against all. Nienne is the good that supplants the Evil, the changing of the age, the rivalry and respect between predator, prey, hunter, and hunted.
Followers: Nienne's followers always seek progress and good at all costs. They believe that the establishment of any status quo is morally harmful and causes some to benefit at others' expense. Nienne's followers seek to level playing fields and redistribute resources. They will break rules and cause conflicts to serve the greater good.
Idol: The idol of youth, competition, hunting, and nature belongs to Nienne.
Form: Nienne takes the form of an ever expanding knot of briar vines. She has appeared as an Elven woman, a Walcassiter, and a Rosebush (whose beauty nourishes the soul even as the thorns pierce the skin).  


Radix is the ever unfolding God of Magic. It echoed forth from the Aether between planes when Solon's will spoke matter and form into Granthea. Radix is the most alien of the gods and has never made any revelations to its followers, it lacks any gender or associated written texts. Waiting just outside the material realm, Radix issues forth with Magical energy for its own sake, with all intents and ends being equal in the release of aether power into the material world. The energies made available to the races of Granthea by Radix can harm and protect, build and break, reveal and obscure. Pure capability, radical enablement, and pure power over the elements are the sum total of Radix's gifts, and understanding is neither asked for nor answered by it.
Followers: Without exception, followers of Radix value magic as the highest pursuit. If they did not, they would seek a God who gave them something, anything personal.
Idol: Magic is the idol of Radix, and Radix is the idol of magic.
Form: Radix is widely acknowledged to be formless, but some say they have glimpsed its source beyond the material realm as an ever unfolding, ever changing fractal pattern. There is one legend that Radix manifests in the world as any plant or fungus which can induce a psychedelic state, and he is often associated with the Cannabis plant.  


Joron, god of Knowledge, sprung forth along with his brother Galney from the self-awareness of the world. Joron contains all facts and reason, and the striving to learn and understand is a striving to come closer to his essence. Joron is one of the more active gods in interacting with Granthea. He often wanders the world in the mortal form of a sage, so that he can experience the joy of learning and teaching for the first time again.
Followers: Joron is patron to teachers, researchers, historians, scribes, and spies. Those who wish to learn what is unknown to them lay prayers and offerings at his feet. Those who are most devoted to him value learning and retaining information for its own sake, but many who worship him want to attain this knowledge for the power it brings over others.
Idol: Joron's idol is knowledge, history, the aged, and the communication of fact.
Form: Joron takes the form of a Dwarven male, an owl, or a Camellia bush (whose leaves stimulate the mind and enliven the senses when brewed in a tea).  


Galney sprung forth along with Joron from the world's self awareness, and exists as the will to put knowledge to work. Some say it was Galney who taught mortals to make fire and build walls. Galney exists in every building, every sword, and every pair of trousers. The Dwarves believe that Galney created their race, and Galney often appears as a Dwarf.
Followers: Galney’s followers are people concerned with building things and leaving a physical legacy. Her most devoted followers are craftsmen, but many city dwellers follow her primarily out of greatfulness for the built environment in which they live. Galney is also quite active in the mortal worlds and visits mortals to inspire them and glory in the act of creation.
Idol: Galney's idol is Artifice, Craftsmanship, Architecture, and Smithing.
Form: Galney’s form is an infinite pillar of stone, sculpting intricate designs into itself and flinging off chips of creativity into the world. She has taken the form of a female Dwarf, a beaver, a wasp, and a run of Ivy (which embraces the greatest creations of the mortal world).  


Myth has it that St. Kathrenne was born a mortal human woman, who lived a good and pure life as a doctor in the realms of Theamor before man ever set foot on Granthea. Legend has it she healed over two hundred thousand sick people in her mortal life, bringing most of them back from death’s door. Mordo, the evil God of The Void, became jealous and conspired to take her soul for his eternal slave. When Mordo reached out for her soul upon her deathbed, St. Katherine took into herself the will of all mortals to know the afterlife. With this power, she created a safe place for mortal souls to gather and experience eternal peace and ascended to the Godhead.
Followers: Followers of St. Katherine are those who feel the suffering of the world and wish to relieve it. They are mystically and metaphysically minded and often seek to unlock hidden truths. She is frequently prayed to by doctors, artists, philosophers, the bereaved, and the broken-hearted.
Idol: St Kathrene’s idol is Sleep, the Afterlife, Mourning, Healing, and Holiness.
Form: St Kathrenne takes many forms, especially the form she had in life— a Human Woman. She also takes the form of a Raven or Crow, a Black Housecat or Dog, or a Poppy flower (whose petals are red as martyrs’ blood and whose liquor soothes the gravely ill).  


Wodin came into being as a spark of the ever-complexifying world. He exists in areas of interplay, at the twilight between dawn and dusk, at the border between light and dark, at the shore between the land and sea, at the change of seasons. Wodin is a manifestation of the elements and he is as capricious as they are, helping and harming when it suits him. He creates disasters and miracles on a whim, and is despised by the other Gods for his unpredictability and his role in the rise of Taron. Yet Wodin has also known to walk among mortals who amuse him and bless greatly those who he favors, although only he can know what qualifies. Wodin is the Twilight One, the Lord of Lightning.
Followers: Those who follow Wodin are generally people who are beholden to the elements, whose existence could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye by an eruption or hurricane or tidal wave. Sailors and farmers sometimes pray to this god, who can make or break their careers. Wodin is certainly a prayer of last resort for those reaching out for the remotest chance that anyone could be listening. Those rare few he aids tend to become devoted followers and adopt his capricious mien.
Idol: Wodin's Idol is the idol of storms, waves, wildfires, and earthquakes.
Form: Wodin has taken the form of a human man, mostly to spite humans (who he finds especially pitiful), but also takes the form of an albatross. He once took the form of a Tulip to drive an entire nation mad and ruin their economy for a laugh.  


In the beginning, when Archios shone his light into the universe, something from the darkness struck back. Ever since, there has been war between good and evil, and Mordo is that evil personified in Granthea. Some call Mordo the God of Death, but this isn't true. Mordo simply uses death as a means to his own twisted end, to enslave and corrupt the souls of mortals. Sitting just at the edge of the divine plane, Mordo reaches out and pulls their souls into nothingness, to remain with him in eternal stasis.
Followers: Few follow Mordo for there is not much to be sought from him. Those who do are generally insane or so embittered that they wish an end for all life. These damaged individuals who figure out how to get Mordo's attention are incredibly cunning and dangerous.
Idol: Mordo's idol is the void, corruption, negation, sickness, and hunger.
Form: Mordo is formless, but legends say that Mordo is simply a gaping mouth that inhales constantly to take in everything down a throat that leads to nowhere.    


Taron is a controversial figure. Many are unsure if Taron even is a God, and the other Gods do not ever acknowledge him when they deign to answer mortal questions. Some thousands of years ago, a mortal was struck by a bolt of Wodin's lightining. By some cosmic accident, or perhaps an unfortunate choice by Wodin, or some reason unfathomable to mortals, that mortal arose burning with hatred and flames. He raged across the world, seething in hate at what he had become, scorching the continents with his fiery breath. When the other gods confronted him, Taron split himself apart and put a piece of himself in every fire in every hearth. There he deceived mortals with visions in the flames, compelling them to vile acts. After centuries of torment, Wodin was compelled by the other Gods to lure him out and challenge him to a duel. Wodin won, and with the assistance of the others (so the legend goes) Taron was trapped within a volvano just outside of what is now Verdon City.
Followers: Those who do secret evil cast their gaze into the fire and pray to Taron to help them hide their twisted deeds. As with Mordo, anyone devoted to Taron is likely insane and not to be trusted.
Idol: Mordo's idol is the flame and the mask.
Form: Mordo's form is a burning skeletal avatar called The Balrog.
Religious, Organised Religion

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