Cassiter Shark Species in Granthea | World Anvil
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Cassiter Shark

The Cassiter Shark is a highly aggressive litoral predator native to the shores around Granmor, especially the Broken Horn. It is so named for an extra gill at the top of its head that is capable of breathing surface air. This unique organ, along with its thick skin that secretes hydrophilic mucus, its elongated body, and its jointed and dextrous lateral fins, allow it a considerable degree of maneuverability on shore.   Cassiter Sharks, also known as Beach Fiends, are the apex predators of Granmorean beaches, leaping suddenly out of the waves and onto the sand to attack large birds, nesting sea mammals, and even unwary beachgoers. The largest Cassiter Sharks are even known to attack people standing on piers and quays.   Contrary to their name, Cassiter Sharks are fish and are completely unrelated to Cassiters, which are mammals. Their third breathing organ, although similarly placed to Greater Cassiters' overbreathers, cannot actually allow them to overbreathe. This, along with their similarly elongated form and the Cassiters' similarly sharply angled snouts, appear to be instances of convergent evolution.   Cassiter Sharks are a highly specialized offshoot of the Carcharhiniformes genus, also known as Requiem Sharks, meaning they are most closely related to Tiger Sharks and give birth to live young.
Scientific Name
Tribranchis Litorivenator

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