Karpathia Organization in Gran Albionne | World Anvil
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"...a mountainous and generally challenging region on the Eastern reaches of Westphalia. Home to Dwarves and Giants. not less that three Dragons in human memory, cthonic warrens of Dark Tribes that regularly disgorge hordes of Orcs, Hobgoblins, Goblins and stranger things. It is a land that demands much, that molds and toughens the spirit, the boby and the character of those who dwell there. Its lofty peaks are imposing and riddled with castles but manned and abandoned, watchtowers, and beacon-towers. It's valleys scrupulously stewarded for every possible bit of resource they can provide..."


Karpathia is a Feudal Stratocracy. A monarchically vested aristocracy of perrage of the realm commands a martial fiefdom in which civil and military service are difficult to distinguish, where the Arch-Duke and his court of Knights are the rulers and all chancellorships, parliament seats, magistrates and so on are occupied by Barons, Knights, Landgraves, Margraves, Squires and commissioned officers and military leaders.
Citizens completing their military service to the crown, or veterans who have been honorably discharged, have the right to receive appointment or govern. The military's administrative, judiciary, and/or legislature powers are supported by the Westphalian King's law, the Duke's decree as the duly appointed representative of his majesty in all matters, and the society at large. A stratocracy is a meritocracy.

Public Agenda

In fellowship with the Dwarves of Karpathia, to rule and administer the lands of the Grand Duchy of Karpathia. By royal charge of the King of Westphalia, to steward peace between giant-kind and mortal races in perpetuity. To marshal the resources and arms of the region in service to the Empire of Westphalia in accordance with feudal law and tradition.


The fellowship of the Dwarven clans of the Kings under the Mountains. The game and forage of the forests of the Karpathian valleys, and the lumber thereof. The rich gold, silver platinum, mithral, adamantium, copper, iron, gems and precious stones of the many mines shared by pact between dwarf and man. The most disciplined and effective standing army of any kingdom of Westphalia.


When in the modern age the Mountain Kings, great and ancient spirit lords of the alpine reaches of far Karpathia, did bestow upon mortal heroes their boons and blessings, that they might usher in the Golden Age of The Mortal Realm in the wake of the Fall of the Hybernian Imperium.
Such pacts were bound and sworn that the mighty historical heroes of old did establish pact-right to steward these lands such as were above the ground, where the hoary and wizened Dwarven Kings should have Spirit-blessed dominion over all that lied beneath the stones and in the mountains for all time.
This fellowship being just and good, and all being satisfied with their appointed dominion, friendship and trade grew and prospered between the pact-races of Karpathia. This right and just division of mastery has maintained unchallenged to this day and even the advent of the Empire of Westphalia did nothing but broaden the recognition of its right.


Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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