Cantabria Settlement in Gran Albionne | World Anvil
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The Capital City of Karpathia. High Seat of Duke Stonecypher

"...High Seat of the Duke of Karpathia, The Castle Strivent, loomed impossibly high, halfway between the firmament and the river-valley at the foot of the unscalable precipice upon the edge of which the fortress loomed. Cantabria, the invincible city of the Alpine heights..."


50% Human, 30% Dwarf, 20% others including, Gnomes, Halfings, Aasimars, Tieflings and Elves.


Cantabria is a Commandery under the control of the Lord Commander promoted through merit of wise leadership. Its precincts are considered Manors and Granges under the martial code of the Knights of Karpathia. The command of Cantabria is the trust and charge of the Knight granted Ducal writ to succeed to the post as Lord Commander. Commanding the precincts of Cantabria are a circle of Knight Commanders also promoted by merit to the position. Each must have led a force of no less than a Division. These Knights Commander each lead a Chapter of Knights who administer the lesser functions of the operation of the city.


The Duke's Army of Karpathia, The commandery of the Hessian League of Karpathia, The Speardames of Karpathia

Industry & Trade

The military center of a military Duchy. In Karpathia, all roads lead to Cantabria. At the mighty, walled gates of this fortress-city, all trade is taxed, modest, operating fees and tariffs collected. Markets thrive and bustle throughout the day. As the cultural center of Karpathia, craftsmen and guilds produce their finest wares in these walls.


Cantabria is a wholly operative military city.


Halls of Soldiery, Military Academies, Knights' Colleges, Bazaars, Trade-moots, Markets, Caravansary, Ducal and Royal Provisionals, Storehouses, Graineries, Silos, Vaults, Banks.

Guilds and Factions

It possesses strong Guilds of Craftsmen including Smiths, Wainwrights, Coopers, Armorers, Weaponsmiths, woodcarvers, and so on. As well as well renowned Artisans Guilds of Milliners, Haberdashers, Tailors, Weavers, Seamstresses, Dyers, Tanners and Furriers and the like. Several layers of associated Artisans, Craftsmen and Tradesmen such as Shepherds, Drovers, Ox-Herders, Grooms & Horsemen, Woodsmen, Sappers, Masons, Miners, live and work here. Their labor and craft and trade making possible the smooth operation of this thriving capital.


Rich as a Dwarven kingdom for its spoils of wars un-numbered. No city of proud Westphalia was as unforgiving of weakness. Its streets and halls and lodges a crucible that refined men and women to iron-hard purity of discipline and endurance. Within its walls, poverty is unknown. Waste, only a notion. Merit. Acts. Deeds. Achievements. These were the coin of this realm. The aught that mattered. Riches were a hands-breadth away. But Glory was only reached atop a steep and precipitous hill fraught with peril and the threat of death or loss.


Grand, Rococo style baroque military architecture. Martial-minded buidlings. Walls and battlements strategically abound throughout the city. High peaked roofs. Dwarven crafted walls. Towers, towers and then some more towers.


Situated in a high mountain pass between dizzyingly lofty peaks. Protected on two sides by sheer, impassable mountains. Staged, walled defenses and redoubts protect both narrow and highly defensible passes into the city.

Natural Resources

Ample mountain-peak runoff, three natural springs, networks of Dwarf-worked escape tunnels run throughout the city in case of siege.
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