Dungork Language in Grahkon | World Anvil
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[Venturing further into the depths of the Gerkforst I felt watched. Watched by Goblins which thought I hadnn't seen them already, but when I heard their chatter I knew what I was dealing with, a harmless group of prepubescent lasses, trying to get a better look at me. Of course they wouldn't dare to approach me, as I was carrying my shortsword and my bow where they could easyly see them, thus I went straight onward to find the clearing I was told to visit. Their mumbling and the occasional breaking twig were as easy to spot as their green and yellow faces with their big round eyes which followed my every move, as I probably was the first human to go through this part of the forest for a long time. I almost felt a little lonely when they stopped sneaking after me as I crossed the border of their clans territory and made my way even further into the thicket.]

Writing System

Es gibt ein Runenalphabet, was jedoch meist nur den weisen Shamanen vorbehalten ist.

Geographische Verteilung

Überall wo Goblins leben, also vorwiegend in den Wäldern und Bergen des westlichen Kontinents.
Typische Sätze
Bear, Troubs, Schnogs!
Bier, Wein, Schnaps!
Romm her Kwellll, Romm!
Komm schnell rüber!
Bolg, Giktzerik Bolg.
Glitzerndes Gold.
Ihr Hühner!(Feiglinge)
Ho Fiiiiiirrrrrrps
Ihr Raupen!(Schwächlinge)
Gokno/a errr Burschtsch!
Metschefollg! Stanki Metsches!
Stinkende Menschen!<br>
Ka Shine ho, Eyboschs Razzurt!!!
Du bist tot, ich rasier dir die Genitalien!!!
Typische weibliche Namen
Schnuk, Kascha, Bsuk
Typische männliche Namen
Porf, Schlikk, Firb

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