Manorium Material in Gonia | World Anvil
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Manorium has become the fuel that powers this new magitek world by unlocking the true power of Essence. This white rock like materials has an incredible Essence signature that makes it easy to break down alchemically, and therefore easy to use in magitek devices that need that unstable essence locked within the rock.    Manorium gained its name from Thillalian magi who discovered that the resource is highly unstable when exposed to magical activity, commonly exploding when any spell or magical effect contacts it. The name roughly means, "Magical Material" and has been used historically as weapons, signs of wealth(as it is only found in specific areas), and cultural center pieces despite its dangerous properties.   Within the newly industrialized world, a better understanding of Essence has lead to alchemists being able to break these down and store thier active Essence for use in many different machines and situations. The uses of this essence mostly coincide with empowering spell casters as it boosts thier soul, or fueling machines through the use of guides.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Upon contact with active Essence(like a spell) the material explodes. When in its liquid form, upon contact with most materials(Vamantium is one notable exception) it becomes active and reforms as the contacted material, often making a lump on the original surface. This conversation is not instant and gives a small amount of time for teh material to spread if poured on already transforming material. When the material is organic(like skin, or wood) it encourages massive mutations and growth.

Geology & Geography

The material is found close to the surface at the base of mountains often with other magical materials. The exact reasoning for its formation is unknown.

History & Usage


In many Thillalian Cultures, the material was used as a sign of wealth on jewelry and lavish house pieces. Its also been used as a quick explosive when used in tandem with a magi by both militaries and rebels alike.


Its first discovery was far longer then preserved record, but the discovery that it functions as a fuel was made by an elf named Alexis Pato from the city of Atles in 3953AC. His discovery was publish along with his paper on covering Pato's Essence theory.

Everyday use

Its most common use is as an alchemic fuel

Industrial Use

Its alchemically turned into a unstable active Essence State to be fed through guides giving an magical effect then being turned into inactive essence


The material is often diluted when found and needs to be pure for the best usage. It is made pure through an alchemic processes known as alchemic partition.

Manufacturing & Products

Manorium is also used for fire safe explosives, being turned into Manorium powder. An alchemically created bonded material known as Manorium Bonded Starter(MBS, or Manorium BS) is used as a contact starter for these explosives.


Explodes when contacting any form of magic, making alchemic partition very dangrous


Trade & Market

Atles has become one of the largest exporters of Manorium in the world, although some towns in the Free cities region, and other places(Like the Anarian Mountains) have started mining operations for the material. Curia and Sesseria have become the largest importers of the material, with Curia being completely isolated from natural deposits. Within the last 20 years, the material has gone from a rare luxury status material, to the driving force of industrial progress.


The material is often stored in its solid and liquid forms. When stored in its solid form, it is broken in to small chuncks and stored into barrels and large silo like containers, often far from other structures, or in reinforced storage rooms. When stored in a liquid form, the material is even more volatile, but easier to use. Its stored in barrels and medium sized liquid contaniors, but never in large volume due to its additive explosive properties
Rough White
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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