Tom Dryser Character in Gonde | World Anvil
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Tom Dryser

Residence: Prisoner’s Rest, Hellonde   Tom Dryser is a military veteran who oversees the outpost of Prisoner’s Rest on the penal island continent of Hellonde. He will occasionally identify particularly able looking prisoners and offer them food, lodging and equipment in exchange for performing certain tasks he needs done to keep Prisoner’s Rest running. He is jovial and friendly and has amassed a small fortune for himself through being a convenient drop off point for prisoners on the northeast side of the island, charging a fee to the governments that send their prisoners to him for processing, allowing them to wash their hands of any questions of moral and ethics in dumping men and women to fend for themselves in a strange land. Tom charges a per head charge for the processing, which largely consists of providing new arrivals with a few days rations and a couple of tools before sending them out into the wilderness.


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