Iron Cyclops Technology / Science in Gonde | World Anvil
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Iron Cyclops

Iron Cyclops is a cast iron statue that has been bound with an elemental earth spirit from another plain. The spirit is summoned and trapped within a gemstone of at least 1000gp in value. The gemstone is then attached to the statue, normally in an eye socket or in the forehead. It is this that gives the creature the look of being one eyed. Iron Cyclops is emotionless and so unprovokable.   Being of cast iron construction, the Iron Cyclops is of great strength. It uses its hands in a smashing/slamming action to destroy its opponents. It can also usually channel some form of destructive energy through the gemstone containing the elemental earth spirit. The Iron Cyclops can be given a single command phrase such as, attack any one who enters this room.


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