Aritan - The City in the Mountain Geographic Location in Golwildom, The Broken Kingdom | World Anvil
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Aritan - The City in the Mountain

The city of Aritan is locked away in the mountain and was founded long ago by an elf who hated magic. He felt that magic made people unpure, weak, and lazy and found (a way around his home to nullify all magic within the surrounding area) a place that nullified magic the closer you got to it. Any magic items lost their shimmer, spells became increasingly harder and harder to cast the closer anyone gets to the town. As word got around of this "land without magic" there were some that decided that they too wanted a simple life without magic interfering with it and relocated there. Artian is a true, simple town without any of the benefits or aid of magic or the fantasy equivalent to Mayberry.   The Shrine of Lile: A stone lantern enshrining the flame of Lile, God of Cats, surrounded by an arched peristyle.   The Guardhouse is simply the house where the guards stay and post before walking the streets to ensure peace.


  • Aritan - The City in the Mountains

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