Notes on the Iallon Anomaly Document in Goldenhome | World Anvil

Notes on the Iallon Anomaly

Notes on the Iallon Anomaly
  Star Knight Scouts have identified the location of Iallon, and in the same trip spotted an intriguing earth-bound anomaly. The Island keeps many secrets.   The plateau Iallon is on has a sinkhole near the center, with a constant flow of fog emanating from within. Several hostile species inhabit the sinkhole and surrounding area (reference memo “Rúthui tol'maiwë Hazards and mitigations”), as well as the shaft. Scouts were able to largely avoid detection, and successfully reached the bottom, where they encountered cooling magma as well as what appeared to be a lava dome covering the entire floor of the sinkhole.   Further inspection revealed that the dome was not natural – the top was exposed (though curiously it did not look like erosion had uncovered it), and appeared to be a solid, impenetrable spherical anomaly that completely absorbs light. The exposed portion has a curve consistent with a sphere the diameter of the sinkhole, suggesting a link between the two.   One of the Chimeral species inhabiting the island seems to consider this a religious site of some significance as we spotted a trail of sorts through the lava fields as well as artistic offerings left by the anomaly’s surface. We continue to find that the creation myths of these primitive races are valuable in understanding post-genocide events, and can assist in the location of additional artifacts.   Multiple tier-one artifacts were detected within the bounds of the anomaly, and extraction is a priority.  