Letter to Arryn from Keryth regarding the Claw of the Shadowhunter Document in Goldenhome | World Anvil

Letter to Arryn from Keryth regarding the Claw of the Shadowhunter

Arryn,   Here’s the latest prototype for your Shadowhunter “volunteers”, though this will all hopefully be moot if the resonance field works. Please keep it secured and only deploy it if we fail in Silvasari, and Gods help us all if that happens.   This version is a bit more effective against both Radiants and their allies, though I still have misgivings about your requested modification. I understand (and regret) the necessity of dealing harshly with the collaborators, but it seems wrong to expand the targeting beyond infected. It also opens it up to being used against us in the future.   Note that the connection gains strength over time with its attuned wielder by adapting to their specific physiology, unlike the previous ones. It may take some time before it is fully functional. In addition to the requested powers, it should also enhance and/or restore some of their natural abilities. There may be some side effects, but they should be minor.   Keryth