Followers of Anubis Organization in Golarion: Rappan Athuk | World Anvil

Followers of Anubis

Mythology & Lore

Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephthys, born out of wedlock and he assisted Isis in the mummification of his father. He frequently works with Isis, Neith, Nephthys, and Selket in the protection of the dead, and is an enemy of Set due to his association with undead

Tenets of Faith

  • The Dead are Sacred
  • One must Protect the places of Rest of those that have past.
  • Laws bind us and keep us. Do not trespass on there authority lest you open the door for chaos
  • Respect and venerate your ancestors
  • Give charity and respect the law in order to be given a fufilling afterlife
Religious, Sect


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