The Show Must Go On - Primer in Golarion | World Anvil

The Show Must Go On - Primer

Ground Rules

  1. Don't be a Dick
  2. Don't sacrifice others fun in order to further your own

Lines and Veils


  • No Sexual Assault / Sexual Violence of any sort
  • No Racism / Sexism / Homophobia / Transphobia


  • Torture - Offscreen or threats are okay, but no gratuitous torture descriptions and content


Lourie - Keela - Bard

Catfolk, born into a family who has worked in the circuses for generations. She narrates the performances and stitches them together with song. Left Mistress Dusklight's menagerie some time ago.  

Evan - Muk Bar-Gar - Inventor

From the Foundry in the Hold of Belkzhan. He and his long-term partner adopted some war orphans after the recent strife with Tar Baphon. Recently divorced, Muk Bar-Gar went to the big city to try and find someone who could appreciate his inventions. But, given that most of his inventions were cobbled together from trash and other detritus, he didn't find much of a customer base. In the end, he found his way to Mistress Dusklight's Menagerie and worked there for some time untilĀ   

Berly - Madame "Tizzy" Tiziana - Medium

Human, late sixties/early seventies. Fading actress, masks her true age. Former stage theatre, quite a big deal back in the day. Now, she reads Tarot/Harrow and performs stage monologues. Part of her knack for acting has come from her ability (consciously or not) to legitimately channel other people. Now that she's in her golden years, she is more conscious of these abilities and draws upon people from her life (ex-lovers, mentors, etc.) in addition to a mix of historical figures and celebrities when needed. Pet albino alligator named Coconut.  

Archie - Richard "Amusement" Cheesehole - Alchemist (Bomber)

Ratfolk, potentially found by Mistress Dusklight? Definitely joined at a young age, though not born into the circus. Always scheming on things to sell, trying to make The Next Big ThingTM. Dances, acrobatizes around, and makes pyrotechnics - loves being the center of attention. Left Mistress Dusklight's over a "misunderstanding" with the cash box, (meta) though he won't be stealing anything from his current employers. He joined up with the Carnival shortly after they split from Dusklight's carnival   High Int, but skill profile is more rogue-ey than Knowledge-focused.