Norreth Character in Golarion | World Anvil


Norreth, a minotaur and senior member of the Veiled Lotus Monastery, has animosity for adventurers. Adventurers invaded the labyrinth that his tribe inhabited and wiped them all out to find treasure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Norreth, Last Guardian of the Labyrinth

  Born into the secluded Labyrinthian tribe of minotaurs in the Hold of Belkzen, Norreth's early life was steeped in the ancient traditions of his people, a tribe known for their fierce warriors and deep connection to the mystical labyrinths they guarded. Unlike his kin, Norreth exhibited an unusual calmness and a proclivity for introspection, which set him apart from the rest.   Norreth stumbled upon an ancient shrine deep within the labyrinth as a young bull. This shrine, hidden for centuries, was dedicated to an obscure monastic order known as the Way of the Long Death. Fascinated by the teachings etched into the shrine's walls, Norreth secretly began to study these forbidden arts, finding a deep resonance with their philosophy that embraced death as part of life's eternal cycle.   Norreth's life took a dramatic turn when his tribe was decimated by a band of ruthless adventurers seeking the treasures rumored to be hidden within the labyrinth. In the massacre's aftermath, Norreth, now the last of his tribe, fully embraced the Way of the Long Death. He vowed to guard the labyrinth's sacred heart, becoming its sole guardian and turning his grief into a powerful resolve.   Over the years, Norreth's mastery of both the minotaur's natural prowess and his monastic training made him a formidable guardian. His presence in the labyrinth became the stuff of legend, a ghostly protector rumored to walk the maze's corridors, more spirit than flesh.   Yet, beneath his fearsome exterior, Norreth remained a contemplative soul, seeking to understand the deeper mysteries of life and death. He often meditated at the ancient shrine, hoping to find a deeper purpose and perhaps a way to bring peace to the restless spirits of his fallen kin.   Eventually his desire for knowledge became too strong to ignore, and Norreth abandoned the labyrinth he had called home. He made peace with the fact that it was dead, and he could not grow in death. He began a pilgrimage which led him to the Veiled Lotus Monastery.
Current Location