Izenfen Character in Golarion | World Anvil


The leader of the Veiled Lotus Monastery is Grandmaster Izenfen Shadowheart, a mysterious tiefling figure thought to be one of the wisest men in the region. Travellers frequently travel to the monastery to seek out his council, but most leave disappointed.   Izenfen only allows an audience with a small handful of visitors based upon one of two methods. He must have had a prior vision about the visitor during one of his nightly meditations or observed him during a scrying session while using the monastery's "Censer of Symmetry."   During his youth, Izenfen's twin sibling, Arwen, fell prey to a mysterious illness that no healers could cure. Consumed by grief and an insatiable thirst for understanding, Izenfen delved deep into forbidden tomes and ancient texts, seeking any knowledge to help save his sibling. This relentless pursuit led Izenfen to uncover the darkest secrets and mysteries surrounding death.   In a desperate attempt to bring Arwen back, Izenfen performed a forbidden ritual, breaching the delicate balance between life and death. However, the consequences were dire. Arwen returned as an entity tethered to the realm of death, forever caught between life and the afterlife. The experience marked Izenfen, leaving them haunted yet determined to master death's enigmatic powers.   The order recognized Izenfen's immense potential and chose them as the new leader, hoping their unique experiences would guide the order to greater heights of understanding. Under Izenfen's leadership, the order delves into capturing creatures and conducting elaborate experiments to dissect the mechanics of dying. Izenfen's driving motivation is to find a way to release their sibling from the limbo they are trapped in and restore them to a state of true life.   Despite their obsession with death, Izenfen is not consumed by darkness alone. They possess a compassionate side, seeking to alleviate suffering and bring closure to those who have lost loved ones. They strive to balance the pursuit of knowledge and the empathy required to guide others through the inevitable cycle of life and death.   Grandmaster Izenfen Shadowheart is seen as both a beacon of wisdom and a cautionary tale within the order, a leader whose personal experiences and relentless dedication have shaped their understanding of the Way of the Long Death. Their quest for knowledge and redemption continues as they navigate the complexities of mortality and seek to unlock the secrets that will finally grant their sibling peace.
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