
Arcaine is a new and powerful drug, first designed as an experiment by the drow alchemist Portheus Shadespider. He synthesized the drug from the blood of magical creatures, including sorcerers. The drug mimics wild magic sorcery, allowing non-sorcerers to tap into arcane energy at a dangerous cost.   Arcaine is sold in vials. Each vial holds enough powder for three “bumps.” After snorting a bump, the user’s blood courses with arcane charges. The user can expend one charge to add an arcane burst of 2d6 force damage after hitting with an attack or expend both charges and add 3d6 force damage with an attack. All arcane charges must be expended before taking another bump. Taking a bump with a charge still inside the user will cause every arcane charge within the user to immediately discharge. The user must make a DC 20 Fortitude save. On a failed save, the user explodes and is killed instantly. On a successful save, they take 3d6 points of damage per arcane charge currently in their body.   There are three types of Arcaine: Lich, Wizard, and Squire. There is a rumoured fourth type, synthesized from dragon’s blood, but that is believed to be made only on consignment and would be obscenely expensive.
  • Squire (25 gp): This vial of mixed powder is the cheapest and most dangerous. After snorting, the user gains one arcane charge. After expending an arcane charge, roll a Wild Magic Surge check (d20). On a 1-5, the user explodes and is killed instantly. On a 6-19, a Wild Magic Effect occurs and creates a random magical effect. On a 20, the user safely pushes the energy out of their body.
  • Wizard (300 gp): Safer than Lich but not as powerful. The drug grants two arcane charges. After expending an arcane charge, roll a Wild Magic Surge check (d20). On a 1-5, a Wild Magic Effect occurs and creates a random magical effect. On a 6-20, the user safely pushes the energy out of their body.
  • Lich (500 gp): The most potent Arcaine currently on the market. The drug grants four arcane charges. After expending an arcane charge, roll a Wild Magic Surge check (d20). On a 1, the user explodes and is killed instantly. On a 2-10, a Wild Magic Effect occurs and creates a random magical effect. On an 11-20, the user safely pushes the energy out of their body.
Arcaine is challenging to obtain due to the difficulty in obtaining specific ingredients. The more powerful the ingredients (ex dragon blood), the more expensive and difficult to find.
Raw materials & Components
The primary ingredient is magic-infused blood. Some down-on-their-luck sorcerers have sold quantities of their blood to earn money, but sorcerer blood is not as potent as blood from other creatures. Rumours exist that arcaine has been created from demons, devils, and dragons, all with disastrous results.