Apidite Species in Godsen | World Anvil

Apidite (app-ah-dite)

"Apidites are fun to be around. They tend to be hardasses, and are fairly quick to anger, but they are fun. The bee fellas do know how to tell a joke. I remember going to that one hive called Sershasa, I had just finished telling the tale of how Sir Houlston Gellaron had fought and defeated the Efreetie Jomond, when this little apidite kid came up to me and and said 'Sir, your world is very weird. Why would your monarch assign anyone to traveling storyteller? That doesn't seem to helpful to most hives.' It was so utterly weird, and yet so funny, that I couldn't help but laugh. I mean, what kind of king forces their people into specific roles like that?"   -Puonath Gellaron, World-travelling bard.

Basic Information


2 arms, 2 legs, 2 wings, 1 stinger, 2 antennae, mandibles. Their share a similar inner anatomy to bees, except their middle legs, and can collect pollen with their arms and legs. They don't have a use for this ability, but can do it anyway. They have a hand and 5 fingers on each arm, and two toes on each leg. The toes are on opposite sides of the leg.

Biological Traits

All Apidites are different depending on their Subrace. Strikers (Referred to as Little Brothers in their tongue) are thin. Bastions (Referred to as Big Brothers in their tongue) are big and hearty. Diplomats (Referred to as Fathers in their tongue) are short. Monarchs (Referred to as Mothers in their tongue) are the largest of the 4 subraces.

Genetics and Reproduction

Apidites, unlike normal bees, can and tend to reproduce among each other, rather then depending on their Queen. When this is done, the female will lay 10 eggs, which will hatch after about 5 months. Queens lay up to 50 eggs, and only about 1-2 will be queens, the rest will be what the male was.

Growth Rate & Stages

Apidites reach adulthood at age 8, and can live till half a century. Monarchs can live until a century. Until age 6 the Apidite babies look like large bee larvae. They develop their wings at age 7.

Ecology and Habitats

Apidites live best in jungle environments, and tend to live on different islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Apidites are Omnivores. However, they mostly eat Honey from bee farms in their hives. On rare occasions, or if one is on a different continent, they can eat meat without problem.

Biological Cycle

Apidites will molt in their sleep on their day of birth. Typically, the day before, the Apidite will voice uncomfort, as they know what is about to happen, and needs to get out of as much clothes as possible. Hives will usually have shedding shelters for their comfort, which are comparable to saunas.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Apidites are a highly militaristic species with an extreme caste system revolving around the 4 subraces of the species, each bred to be the perfect version of each other. Each subrace of Apidite does specific jobs in the hive. The Striker makes up their entire offensive army, using hit-and-run tactics, Guerrilla warfare, and long-range combat. The Bastion are the entire hives defense force, their police, and their workers. While strikers are often sent out to retrieve meats and other food that can’t be found in the hive, Bastions make up the workers who must do most manual labor to keep the hive in check. Diplomats as each one tend to have a court of leaders who help run their military. They also run the bee farms used to make some of the preservatives needed for their military to survive. The Monarch is a special breed of Apidite, as there can only be at maximum 3 in one hive at a time. These breeds are universally female and are always destined to run everything in the Hive, and have the final say in what the armies of the Hive can do. Monarchs are usually treated as gods by their subjects.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Striker Venom can be used to create antidotes against wasps and hornets, as well as an ointments to treat other irritations.

Facial characteristics

Apidites have bee faces, with mandibles and the large eyes, as well an antane, which they use for smell. They can grow "Beards," which are usually small tufts of fur under their mandibles.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

There are very little Apidites that live on any of the mainland continents. Most live on small islands and Garathar.

Average Intelligence

Apidites, due to their strong education system, are at least more intelligent than the common Human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Apidites, because of their traces of fey magic, can see up to 60 feet in darkness, Diplomats can naturally use Charm-based Magic.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Apidites farm bees for a living, and use their dead to grow Honey Plants. They also breed Giant bees, usually for war purposes, but sometimes they do so as pets.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Apidites usually only have a single name, usually have very rough sounds, such as K's, V's, T's, and B's. Apidites also have a Hive name, which is usually based on the hive they originate from.   Male Names: Bukkan, Ancev, Zelik, Tashrov, Volrtro   Female Names: Jarra, Tulak, Zuallqa, Kelvan, Varna

Major Organizations

The "Hive" of Apidites, called "Uroun," own the business "The Honey Bee," which sells different flavors of honey, and honey based products. The hive is found in Drandar. They are the sole proprietor of the specific drink honey chocolate whiskey.

Beauty Ideals

The most beautiful Apidite considered in their culture is the Monarchs. Female non-monarch Apidites try to mimic the Monarch's look as close as possible.

Gender Ideals

Males and Females are treated the same in the hive. However, every Hive is run by a Monarch, who are always female. Monarchs, however, can only be born from a Monarch bloodline.

Courtship Ideals

Apidites try to find a specific Flower, called the Shredra, a small red Flower that has been touched by the Feywild, it hums a soft song when being held by another creature. However, Apidites love using these flowers for their sweet taste, and giving another Apidite one of these is considered the ultimate act of love done for them, to the point where Apidites only accept lovers who offer such a Flower. Luckily, they are very common in Feytouched areas. Unluckily, they tend to be guarded by redcaps, who stay near these flowers, as the hum cures them and only them of their bloodlust, and allows them to love.

Relationship Ideals

While Apidites are extremely Militaristic and are constantly trying to create the best generation, they are also very affectionate, and require a mate who would give them the affection they require. Monarchs do not have this desire, and instead treat males as something they have to use to continue their heritage. Monarchs are known to dislike other female Apidites for this reason. Apidites marry for life, and practice monogamy. Monarchs, however, are always allowed to marry any other Apidite she sees fit, even if that Apidite is married to another.

Average Technological Level

Apidites have created their own types of bee farms, and have made their own weapons, such as the "Axe" (effectively a halberd) and "Longswords" (effectively a glaive).

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Sylvan

Common Etiquette Rules

It is considered rude to speak a language other than Sylvan while in the hive or speaking to the Monarch. This applies to other species, especially when speaking to the Monarch.   Whenever two Apidites meet each other, whether it be for the first time or their 50th, they rub their Antennae on each others heads. They do this to other species as well, usually getting confused and frustrated whenever they don't do the same back. Goodbyes are done the same way.

Common Dress Code

Apidites are expected to wear high quality clothes while in the hive. They usually wear a material called "Honey Cloth," which is made by burying a dead bee, and using Druidic or Arcane magic to grow the Magical Honey Plant. Honey Cloth tends to be slightly sticky, but is also very soft and flexible. The Monarch, however, usually wears a royal clothes made of bee fur and Honey Cloth. They tend to wear blue and red clothing.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Apidites are a militaristic race. At birth, an Apidite is assigned to a job type, which is typically a military position. With this in mind, some Apidite hives have created friendly trade relations with other countries using the high amounts of honey they can produce from farms. Infact, Apidites are known for being able to brew some of the best Honeyed Meads in the world.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

While not a custom or tradition, it has been observed that, in the event all monarchs in a tribe die, the Apidites of the tribe would fly into a suicidal and genocidal murder spree. During this time, the Apidites would seek out all non-Apidite creatures and try to kill them, even if it would mean they would die in the process. If the hive survives for the next year, they will calm down, and mourn the loss of their Queen, using her shedding to make a casket. Afterwards the Apidites will continue as normal, although much more terrified of the world around them, and are usually depressed. Most Hives fall apart after this.

Common Taboos

Commiting crimes in general is considered Taboo in Apidite Culture. However, Dissenting opinions to the queen's, and leaving the tribe, are so Taboo in Apidite Culture, that those who do such things are considered Traitors to the Hive. Returning to such a Hive after leaving will is punishable by branding by a metal prod dipped in the blood of a Devil, with the brand meaning "Dhaeraow en' wien," or "Traitor of Wings" when translated, and are then exiled from the hive. Dissenting opinions from the queen, however, are death.


The Apidite’s militaristic nature comes from an evil Fey lord named Kra’shodo’na. He had studied the insects of the material plane and believed that creating humanoid bees could help him rule the Feywild, and, in 510wr, they were made. When created, he gave them a strong want to serve their leader and made sure they knew he was that leader. However, after a 50-year war with the Feywild, he was killed, and the Apidites where without a leader. After 20 years of confusion, a group of Apidite scholars had tried to make the perfect leader for them by combining all three of the subraces’ abilities. Thus, the first monarch was born. Eventually, in the year 563wr, a Monarch and about an army of 200 Apidites would go to different Islands and claim them in the name of the Apidites. They would eventually reach Julra, where they would meet a large tribe of Tortles, who would help them move around more easily. Eventually they made first human contact in 894wr, when an Apidite Ship crashed into the Town of Garfun after a massive storm knocked them into the town. For the most part, Apidite history remained normal, and while many would war with small islands and the Feywild, they would not do anything particularly interesting until 2018wr, when one of the hives hit by the Calamity event turned all Apidites in the hive into wasp-like creatures, called the "Vespulite." Vespulite are unintelligent and extremely violent beasts.

Historical Figures

Kelron, the Mighty.   Krishada , the Queen of Sershasa

Common Myths and Legends

There is a Legend shared among the tribes about a Striker Apidite who had saved an entire tribe from destruction by single-handedly raiding a nearby den of Hostile creatures, described to be like Ogres, or more specifically, Oni. In the story, they had stolen most of the apidites bee farms, killed one of the Monarchs, and kidnapped and murdered as much as 100 Apidites in their way. This lone hero, named Kelron, went after the Oni, and tracked them down back to their base. With only a glaive, he had charged and slain all 100 Oni, and had gotten back their bees. This story spread as a way to make Apidites want to work harder, so that they could be just like Kelron.   In reality, Kelron was one of many Apidites who had went out to get their bees back. With a force of 100 Strikers, 100 bastion, and 20 diplomats, they had succeeded in their mission, with only Kelron surviving and coming back to tell the tale. Likewise, there was only 20 Oni. The Monarch's daughter decided to sensationalize the story, to make others want to be just as selfless for the tribe as the Kelron in the story was.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Apidites are not very trusting of outsiders. Most normal races are Neutral, although this does not mean they are friendly or even safe with other races.   They are hostile to all monstrous races, except hobgoblins. Both races are exceptionally gifted in the art of war. They tend to share secrets of other races that both have acquired, as if they are sharing rumors about someone. While Apidites wouldn't attack hobgoblins unless provoked, Hobgoblins don't attack Apidites because they know invading a large building covered in dangerous creatures would be suicidal. They also know what happens when all living Monarchs in the tribe are killed, and cannot try to stealthily assassinate them without raising hell.   Apidites are also friendly to Tortles. If a Hive is created near a Tortle tribe, or vice versa, Tortles general hospitality tend open trade relations between the two. Apidites know about Tortles ability to make adequate and strong weapons out of the simple sea shells and other mundane items found around the beaches of their islands, and usually try to get them to make such weapons, like the Flail Snail Shield.   Apidites and Tabaxi have a bizarre relationship. If an Apidite Settlement is found near a Tabaxi conclave, they are usually friendly, but generally Apidites don't trust them, because Apidites know that Tabaxi want to gather and share things they learn, and usually end up sharing secrets about the Apidites that the Apidites may not want others to known.   Apidites hate all Fey. They are shunned by them, and because of the war, bad blood among the race and the entire feywild still exists.
From left to right: Striker Apidite, Bastion Apidite, and Diplomat Apidite.
Scientific Name
Homo Apis
Honey Bee
50 years. Monarchs live to 100 years
Conservation Status
Apidites are quite rare, not because of their lack of existence, but because they mostly live on small islands dotted around the world. There is no need for Conservation.
Average Height
Striker: 5'8"-6'4"   Bastion: 6'6"-7'5"   Diplomat: 5'0"-5'11"   Monarch: 9'1"-10'11"
Average Weight
Striker, Diplomat: 140lbs-200lbs   Bastion: 200lbs-280lbs   Monarch: 400lbs-460lbs
Average Length
Striker:1'4"   Diplomat: 1'6"   Bastion: 1'11"   Monarch: 3'
Average Physique
Apidites stand up straight and tall. While some are not very muscular, they tend to be either as tall or slightly taller than Humans. Apidite Monarchs, however, are usually more eloquent than their smaller counterparts, and are also larger than them, about the size of an Ogre.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Yellow and black stripes. Some Apidites can be Orange colored. Queens can either have pink, red, or purple colored fur on their neck.
Geographic Distribution
Apidite Adventurers   Apidite Adventurers are always exiles from their Hives, either because of a crime they commited, or because they wanted to leave, which is a crime. But, if they wanted to leave, why? Maybe an explorer came to the hive, and told the great tales of his adventures. Perhaps the sights of ships in the distance provoked an adventurous spirit in one. Or, maybe, they just hated where they are in the caste system.


Ability Score Increase +1 intelligence, +2 to either Constitution (Bastion), Dexterity (Striker), or Charisma (Diplomat).
Size Medium
Speed 30

Alignment: Due to their militaristic society, most tend towards lawful, and tend to go either evil or neutral.   Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Weak Wings: Your wings weren’t made for flight, as they aren’t strong enough to lift you. Instead, they aid you in jumping long distances. You do not need to move 10 feet to do a long jump or a high jump. Also, when determining the distance, you can jump with a long jump or a high jump, you may add a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier. Your wings also helps you land safely from a fall up to 30 feet.   Stinger: Your stinger is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Languages: You can read, write, and speak Common and Sylvan.   Subrace: You may pick one from Striker, Bastion, and Diplomat.     Striker   Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.   Stealthy: You are proficient in the Stealth skill.   Agile Scouts: Your base walking increase by 5 feet.   Accurate Stinger: Your Stinger is treated as if it was a weapon with the finesse trait. It also deals an extra 1d4 poison damage     Bastion   Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2.   Natural Athlete: You have proficiency with the Athletics skill.   Hardened Exoskeleton: When you aren't wearing armor, or if your armor would provide a lower Armor Class, your Armor Class is 12 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.   Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.     Diplomat   Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2.   Natural Charm: You are proficient in the Persuasion skill.   Monarch's Authority: You know the friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast command spell once per day with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast suggestion spell once per day with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells   Extra Language: You learn one extra language of your choice.

Languages. Common and Sylvan


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