Ioun, the Knowing Matron Character in Gods' Call | World Anvil
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Ioun, the Knowing Matron

An age ago, Ioun was once a mortal halfling woman, aged and weary of the world and its troubles. She did not seek out godhood, like many of the predecessors of her divine siblings - instead, she ascended not by choice, but by happenstance. That being said, she does not regret the events that led her to her bonding with the Fount of Knowledge, nor would she take it back if given the chance.   Ioun bears her burden with grandmotherly grace, a necessary level head to contrast her often wild and mercurial sibling gods. She understands their nature as well as she understands her own, and by her deep knowledge of both the gods and the world which they protect, she keeps her siblings grounded, and keeps the world in balance.

Divine Domains

The Knowing Matron is the patron goddess of lore, philosophy, and the scholarly arts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

All forms of scripture are considered minor symbols of the Knowing Matron. A triangle with an eye at each point, or a scroll sealed with the image of an eye, are considered her primary symbols. A tapestry of the Knowing Matron, marked with either of these symbols, hangs in each major city library and hall of study.

Tenets of Faith

Authority figures restricting public access to information is seen as deplorable by the Knowing Matron and her followers. While the choice of an individual to keep their own personal secrets is their own business, the deliberate obstruction of the general flow of information is an act of defiance against the Knowing Matron's will.


The Knowing Matron is one of the few Ascendant Deities who has no specific holiday of her own.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As with all the gods, the Knowing Matron's primary goal is to help maintain the balance of the energy from which Weirwalden and the Material Plane at large is built. It is an arduous task, requiring constant attention from the goddess, leaving little room to spare for frivolity or attending to her followers.

Physical Description

Body Features

Her parchment-tan skin is inscribed with ink-like runes, which constantly shift upon her skin, changing with the seasons and with major events in history.

Identifying Characteristics

Three luminous eyes mark the Knowing Mistress, one on each of her palms and one at the center of her brow. It is by these eyes that she observes the world, constantly absorbing new information.

Special abilities

Like all the gods, the Knowing Mistress is a being of immense power. It is by her will that the very fabric of society, history, and memory may exist as they do - conduit to the Fount of Knowledge, she is aware of all things that have passed in history since her ascension, and thus she maintains the flow of information throughout the world. By her grace, valuable documents can survive terrible fires, precious items of historical importance may be preserved, and communication between the races at large may flow smoothly.
Divine Classification
Ascendant Goddess
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grand Librarian, the Mother of Wisdom
Gray, creased, welcoming
Silvery gray, tied in a bun
Ruled Locations

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