Kaejin Species in Godai | World Anvil


Kaejin have always been small in number, they live a nomadic life with their homes on their backs. The shells they carry around provide all the shelter they require. They don't see the kingdoms as homes they pass though many but will occasionally settle in a settlement for a short while learning new cultures and practices. They marvel at the works of civilisation and love learning new skills. And while they can live considerable portions of the lives in isolation, Kaejin are social creatures that like to form meaningful friendships.  

Ancestral Traits

  Age: Kaejin are incredibly long-lived, reaching adulthood around 50 and living an average of 500 years.   Size: Kaejin are the same height as humans, but weigh significantly more, due to their heavy shell. On average they weight 400 pounds. Your size is medium.   Speed: That heavy shell and short limbs limits your speed to 25 feet.   Hard Shelled. Kaejin have a large, hard shell that gives them ample protection from attacks. When you aren't wearing armour your AC Is 16 + your dexterity modifier. You can use this score to determine your AC if worn armour would leave you with a lower score. You may benefit from a shield as normal.   Shell Sanctuary. Kaejin have more protection from attack when they fall to the ground and withdraw into their shell. When you are prone by not incapacitated, you instinctively pull in your head. Melee attacks against you while prone do not have advantage. Standing from prone requires two-thirds of your movement, however.  

Cultural Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2, and your consitution by 1.   Alignment: Kaejin live a quiet, slow-paced where they behave in a habitual manner. They tend toward law.   Sea Faring: Kaejin spend their lives on or by the seas, you have proficiency in Vehicles (Water) and Navigator's Tools.   Languages: Common and Aquan
500 years
Average Height
6 feet
Average Weight
400 pounds


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