Wilderwilt Species in God Help This World | World Anvil
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A once peaceful forest altered into a terrifying living disaster by the god of chaos, Noyuu. This plant is inherently dangerous and is often ordered to be uprooted and destroyed upon first signs of its arrival by those who are aware of the consequences it brings.

Basic Information


The plant has a wide variety of appearances that allows it to look the part of an average jungle. It adapts and changes many plants within it to suit its purpose of catching any who wander into it. A noteworthy feature of these forests is a specific fungi that coats the entire being in order to release fumes that help it catch its prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Any piece of this forest brought into another area will cause one of these bad boys to grow. It's very easy for it to reproduce, however, a deadly combination would be this creature plus the AAV Virus.   An infected plant might become intelligent-which means that it will actively hunt ways to spread itself out even farther than ever. It will actively capture prey, but refuse to kill it. It will plant itself into the body of the creature and keep the prey captive until it becomes deeply rooted into their body. It will then release the prey and allow them to flee, where they will inevitably die of the roots and begin to grow elsewhere.

Growth Rate & Stages

The plant grows slowly, it's like watching paint dry. It's easy to go unnoticed, however, as it looks just as much like any other plant. It grows fast for a plant that's all that matters.

Ecology and Habitats

A better question would be where can't it grow. It can't grow in sandy deserts, but that's about it. Other harsher environments just slow the growth.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It eats everything. It digests living things. It steals nutrients from other plants.   A noteworthy effect, however, is from the fungi that produce spores all over the forest. These particular spores, when inhaled, effectively dulls the senses and mind of the prey. This can lead to the subjects becoming lost within the species, walking in circles for hours on end without realizing it. It's only a matter of time before the victim falls into a plant that can envelop and devour.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

An effective genocide tool.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wherever it can.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It reacts based on what walks into it. It's blind, deaf, and incapable of sensing much beyond touch. It cannot vocalize itself and does not have any magical properties. It can sense tremors from things moving around in its vicinity as well as within it.
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Scientific Name
Drosecarnae Predacodendron
As long as its allowed
Conservation Status
Species is far too invasive, destroy on sight.


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