The Woken Species in God Help This World | World Anvil
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The Woken

A prideful and rare beast of nature that wanders arid deserts and savannas on its lonesome. It contains a highly sought after third-eye that's said to contain the possibility to awaken one's true potential simply by gazing into it. However, with great knowledge comes a great cost.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A third eye on the creature's forehead is their primary source of both interest and defense. When in combat, the eye will open and attempt to hypnotize the foe. It's said that any average mug that gets their gaze caught in the look will be reduced to a vegetable. Those who manage to survive, however, are told to have been granted knowledge of something they most desire to a certain extent.

Genetics and Reproduction

Normally around spring, breeding season begins. A male and a female will accompany each other long enough until the female has become impregnated. The male will then leave the female with the child and continue on in search of another.   The mother will give birth to a few children after a few months of being pregnant. She will then have to care for the children on her own until they have become large enough to survive on their own two years later.

Growth Rate & Stages

Babies will have no horns and closed eyes upon being born. Within a few hours, the eyes on the side of their head shall open. As the child grows, it will gain more spines and horns on its head and along its back. Their manes will become full and quite soft to the touch. The longer they live, the larger their spikes will grow. They generally tend to file these down against trees in order to keep them from becoming inconvenient although around mating season it's best to keep them as large as possible for combat.

Ecology and Habitats

Arid deserts and savannahs are their places of interest. They make homes in caves and dens in rocky regions. They can wander out and spread, but typically they stick to their personal territories. Despite being herbivores, they are highly territorial with one another and only females are permitted to wander where they please.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wokens usually live off plantation and can even lick sediments required for nutrition off the ground and cliffsides. They forage for food around their territory constantly and fend off others of its kind if it happens to become too cramped for their tastes.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Northern areas with desert

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent creatures, borderline sapient. They purposefully avoid sapient creatures and refuse to allow them to set up in their territories. While they haven't created complex contraptions, they have been known to use the environment to their advantage and lead those who pursue it into dangerous territory they know well enough to traverse safely. They seem to recognize that their third eye is important to others and refuse to share any secrets that might be held.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The creature has the typical hearing, sight, smell, and a highly unusual sense that allows it to feel the space around it. It is practically impossible to sneak up on this creature through average means.
Scientific Name
excitavit Spiritus
Conservation Status
Rare, highly elusive
Average Height
Average Length


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