Skilpies Species in God Help This World | World Anvil
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Created by Deity
Amphibious and semiaquatic. They spend their early years completely aquatic but gain the ability to traverse both land and water with ease, developing the ability to breathe and function in either environment. They often live in places like swamps due to thriving there, and they are extremely nimble, but fragile. They’re friendly and curious by nature, often inclined to help lost travelers through their lands. Other races tend to view them as pests if not demons due to their ability to drain the years from the internal clocks of others, but in truth, they are very peaceful and colorful personalities. They’re secretive out of self-preservation, as they have short natural lifespans and are very vulnerable, and this unfortunately makes it difficult for others to get to know them and see their benevolence.

Basic Information


They look a bit alien-like, with slimy skin, black eyes, and fins on their appendages. Their bodies can have a variety of spotted or striped markings, and they come in shades of black, green and blue. They don’t really do clothes since they have slimy skin and clothing would inhibit their ability to traverse environments, but they don’t have external genitalia so it’s okay.

Biological Traits

They can drain life force from other living things. Killing something guarantees that they can drain its life force, but they can also attempt to partially drain something without killing it. This has a very low return value (about 5%), meaning most wild animals don’t give them much extra time at all. They can also GIVE life force to other living things, which can be used to heal, increase lifespan, or reverse the effects of age. They can move on two or four legs just fine and are adept in both aquatic and land environments, able to move with extreme ease in such areas. They’re slippery as long as they don’t dry out, which aids them in movement and escape; their hands and feet in specific are also sticky, aiding them in climbing (the basic idea is that they’re extremely mobile and exceptional at getting around). They also resist fire damage thanks to their wet skin, but drying out makes them instead vulnerable to it. They’re also very frail and squishy.

Genetics and Reproduction

They do. They lay eggs. They stick together as couples while their kids are being raised.

Growth Rate & Stages

They start off in large clusters of eggs which are slimy and typically hidden from sight. The parents will watch over their children and hang close to the nest. They spend their childhood completely aquatic, but once they grow up they can roam the land. They can live around 5 years naturally, but do not fully mature for 10 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Swamplands is the main habitat in which these creatures thrive. They can survive anywhere where they can be kept wet, but their preference for the swamp is usually driven by the copious amount of places to hide whenever danger is near. Their bodies blend with the water and they are given excellent hiding spots...whenever their luminescence doesn't give them away.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Creatures of a vampiric nature isn't something you'd expect from something so friendly and benevolent. They are predatory creatures that suck the life force out of beings by the mere touch. However, due to their frail nature, they're forced to stick to trickier tactics to catch their prey.   They have shown a capability of using traps, ambush tactics, and a general sense of teamwork that allows them to catch prey one normally wouldn't expect them to be able to take down. However, hunting is a dangerous process as it's not likely that the prey would sit by and allow their life to be taken.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

South western swamps

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing, Sight, low sense of smell, night vision, but nothing particularly special.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

They don’t really do clothes since they have slimy skin and clothing would inhibit their ability to traverse environments, but they don’t have external genitalia so it’s okay.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Curious, shy, friendly.


Created by the god "Noyuu" and told to survive.
Unknown by Unknown
Scientific Name
Palus Glorias
Conservation Status
Highly Endangered
Average Height
3-4ft (Standing)
Average Weight
Average Length
>1ft (standing)


Ability Score Increase -2 Con, +2 Dex
Size Tiny
Speed 40ft

Basic Racial Abilities

  1. Life Snatch - In combat, a Skilpie can roll 1 class hit die of healing for every kill that they directly participate in.
  2. Soul Share - As a spell-like ability, a Skilpie can expend their own hit points to heal ?d4 hit points of damage on their allies.
  3. Focused Adapted - Skilpies are very specifically adapted and get full speed in the following terrains: Marshes, Lakes, Rivers, plains. Speed is reduced by 10 in the following Unfavored terrains: Desert, Forest, Rocky, Arctic.
  4. Damp Skin - Skilpies have a natural fire resistance 3, but this is lost after a hit with a fire attack or when in hot terrains (desert). After the ability is lost, fire attacks will deal normal damage. This ability can be restored with exposure to water.
  5. Nimble - Skilpies get a natural Expertise in Acrobatics.
  Variant Racial Abilities
  1. Sea Legs - Changes favored terrains to salt water marshes, oceans, beaches. Changes Unfavored Terrains to all land types. (Replaces Focus Adapted)
  2. Arctic Adapted - Changes favored terrains to rocky, arctic, (icy) volcanic. (Replaces Focus Adapted)
  3. Distance Sprinter - Natural Expertise to Athletics. (Replaces Nimble)

Languages. Skilpien, Common?

LevelSpendable HPHealing Per HP Spent
11 HP/2 HP/3 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
21 HP/2 HP/3 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
31 HP/2 HP/3 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
41 HP/2 HP/3 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
52 HP/4 HP/6 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
62 HP/4 HP/6 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
72 HP/4 HP/6 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
82 HP/4 HP/6 HP1d4/2d4/3d4
94 HP/6 HP/8 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
104 HP/6 HP/8 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
114 HP/6 HP/8 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
124 HP/6 HP/8 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
134 HP/6 HP/8 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
146 HP/8 HP/10 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
156 HP/8 HP/10 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
166 HP/8 HP/10 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
186 HP/8 HP/10 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
196 HP/8 HP/10 HP2d4/3d4/4d4
208 HP/10 HP/12 HP3d4/4d4/6d4


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